Hi! Dave here…
I’m a civilian and recreational shooter from Las Vegas, NV…
As a child, I didn’t grow up in a family that owned guns. My parents weren’t against them or anything…
…they just didn’t know much about them.
And despite shooting the occasional .22 rifle when I was young, I didn’t really learn much about firearms until I became an adult…
As an adult, I’ve spent years now learning about guns, shooting, and gear. It’s become a hobby and a passion for me…
And I share this because I want you to understand that if you’re completely new to guns, you’ve ended up in the right place…
You see, if you’re thinking about getting a gun for the first time, I want you to get one…
If you’ve already picked one up but don’t know what to do next, I want to help you learn how to handle it safely, set it up for functionality, and shoot it accurately.
I want you to get PRACTICAL information that’ll help you become safe and effective with your gun.
Now to be clear, I’m no tactical instructor or anything like that… Just an enthusiast with a few years of experience…
But I’m always trying to learn more, and I want to share with you the things I’ve learned about optics, guns, and gear up to this point…
And even though this site is mostly for beginners, I’m hoping that some of the information will be useful to people of other skill levels as well.
So, if you’re new too shooting, welcome! And if you’re a seasoned veteran of shooting, welcome all the same!
Farewell for now, and have fun at the range!
-Dave (RDShooters)
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