If you’re new to firearms, shooting can be a little frustrating…
You find out pretty quickly that it’s simply not as easy as you commonly see in your favorite action movies.
You see in real life, shooting takes skill, focus, and discipline…
And to help get you started, I’m gonna give you 3 EASY tips that can help improve your accuracy and maybe even your speed…
So if you’re looking to learn how to improve your shooting, give your full attention because here’s the good stuff!
Tip 1. Focus On Your Trigger Control…
If you’re struggling to shoot accurately, you probably have poor trigger control…
You see, many beginners will, without realizing it…
…move their gun out of alignment simply by pulling the trigger in a sloppy way.
To shoot accurately, you actually have to focus on the way you pull the trigger, rather than just squeezing and hoping your shot with hit home…
…and until you improve your trigger control, you’ll never be able to shoot with any kind of consistent accuracy.
So, here’s how to get a proper trigger pull every time…
Pull The Trigger SLOWLY…
It’s a natural response to try to yank the trigger back quickly. When you fire your first shot, the loud BANG! of the gun going off can be startling…

…and the recoil, while not really hurting you, can cause your adrenaline to start to run.
Then, as you make subsequent shots, you’re body naturally tries to anticipate the noise and recoil of your gun…
Because of this, new shooters will tend to yank the trigger harshly in an attempt to counteract all of these factors…
But to have good trigger control you need to make a CONSCIOUS EFFORT to pull the trigger SLOWLY and SMOOTHLY every time you fire a shot.
Pull The Trigger STRAIGHT Back To The Rear…
As I mentioned before, it’s a natural response to want to yank the trigger, but as you yank, you push or pull the gun slightly out of alignment.
Now, even a slight movement will cause you to miss your target.
So, as you slowly pull the trigger to the rear, you also need to CONCENTRATE on pulling as STRAIGHT back as you possibly can!
Put This All Together…
EVERY TIME you pull the trigger actually remind yourself to pull SLOWLY, SMOOTHLY, and STRAIGHT back to the rear…
By doing this, you should notice a significant improvement in your accuracy IMMEDIATELY! And if you’re wondering: How am I going to be able to shoot FASTER if I pull the trigger slowly every time?
Don’t worry! As you continue to practice this, you’ll start train your body to automatically have proper trigger control.
Eventually, pulling the trigger in this way will become second nature to you, and you’ll gradually be able to shoot faster and faster while still remaining accurate!
Now, I do have a FREE Guide that teaches you step-by-step an exercise that will improve your trigger control…
It’s very easy to do and can be done without leaving your home… So to gain access to that just click the link below…
Again it’s 100% FREE and it did help me improve, so it might help you too…
Here’s Another VALUABLE Tip…
I recommend that you place your finger on the trigger in a position that’s COMFORTABLE FOR YOU.
You see, many shooters believe that to shoot accurately, you NEED to put the center pad of your index finger on the trigger…

I’ve found that that is not necessarily true… This center pad finger placement technique has never worked for me…
I tried it in my early days of shooting and just could not consistently get the accuracy I wanted…
So, I began to experiment and research what professional shooters had to say about this topic.
I found that there were several professional shooters that recommend sinking more of your finger on the trigger.
And as I practiced this, I found that putting the first crease of my index finger…

…on the trigger is the most effective way for me to attain proper trigger control.
Now, everybody’s hands are different. So, you’ll need to experiment with your own finger position to determine what will work best for you…
But DON”T be afraid to go against the typical advice of always placing the center pad of your finger on the trigger if it’s not working for you.
Tip 2. Always Focus On Stabilizing The Front And Back Of Your Rifle…
It’s EXTREMELY important to stabilize your gun if you hope to shoot with speed and accuracy.
So let’s talk about building support at the front… AND BACK end of your rifle.
Supported Shooting Makes This EASIER…
Resting the front end of your gun on a barricade, shooting bag, wall, or any other object that’s nearby is a great way to stabilize your rifle…

However, be aware that you should NEVER rest your rifle’s actual barrel on anything for support because the harmonics (and thus accuracy) of your rifle can be impacted…
In addition to that, don’t forget to support the back end of your rifle as well!
This may sound obvious, but it’s actually quite common for experienced shooters to forget about this small, but important, factor.
So to help you, make sure you’re doing these things…
- Pressing the stock securely in the pocket of your shoulder…
- Gripping the rifle firmly with both hands…
- Locking in for a solid cheek weld.
Unsupported Shooting Can Be More DIFFICULT…
Unsupported shooting or offhand shooting can be difficult, especially for new shooters…
However, there are things you can do to increase your control of the rifle while standing…
As I mentioned earlier, you need to build support for your rifle at the front and back end.
Now, we’ve already discussed your back-end support…firm grip, secure into the shoulder, and a solid cheek weld.
However, the front end support is where you see a lot of problems with offhand shooting…

Now, it’s quite common to see AR 15 / tactical shooters “cupping” the magazine well…
…with their forward hand (placing their support hand near the center of the rifle’s body).
This position is actually extremely unstable, and you’ll often notice a lot of movement at the rifle’s muzzle.
Because of this, I recommend that you extend your support hand as far forward as you comfortably can.
You see, holding the rifle further out gives you much greater control and greater leverage over where the end of your barrel is pointing…
And I’ve personally noticed my offhand shooting improve by simply changing the position of my support hand on the rifle.
Tip 3. Stay Balanced With An Athletic Stance…
There are many different shooting stances out there, but they don’t all serve the same purpose…

So, if you’re looking to improve your shooting speed, you’ll need to use an athletic shooting stance that allows you to make rapid shots and move quickly.
Here are the characteristics you’ll want to include to build a proper athletic shooting stance…
- Stand with your feet a bit wider than shoulder-width apart.
- Move your non-dominant foot SLIGHTLY forward of your dominant foot (if you’re right-handed then your left foot should be forward).
- Balance yourself by remaining on the balls of your feet. DON’T lean back on your heels!
- Lean forward SLIGHTLY to help MANAGE the recoil of your gun.
With this stance, you’ll have a solid platform to make accurate shots and recover quickly.
You’ll also be able to move positions quickly, which can be a huge benefit if you’re doing competition or tactical shooting.
How To Improve Your Shooting – Homework…
- PRACTICE your trigger control by focusing on a SLOW, SMOOTH trigger pull that goes STRAIGHT back to the rear.
- When you’re shooting offhand, try extending your support hand forward AND remember to secure the rear of your gun.
- Try using a balanced shooting stance that allows you to recover quickly after multiple shots.

By putting these tips into action, you’ll be well on your way to becoming a competent shooter who can make accurate hits on demand!
Before You Go…
I just want to remind you to check out my FREE Guide that shows you…
How to improve your shooting without leaving your home or spending a dime.
Again, it’s 100% Free, and anyone can complete the exercise. Gain access today by clicking the link below…
Farewell, and have fun at the range!