Concealed carry has been booming in terms of popularity in recent years…
And I think that’s a wonderful thing…
More and more people are taking their personal protection into their own hands, and I encourage everyone who has a desire to get their concealed carry permit…

With more and more people becoming concealed carry permit holders, the question… Is concealed carry insurance worth it? Seems to be coming up more and more…
And in this post, I’m going to explain why I think it absolutely is worth it, and I’m also going to let you know my thoughts on the best concealed carry insurance that’s currently out there…
Let’s get started!
Is Concealed Carry Insurance Worth It?
Yes, concealed carry insurance is worth it and there are several reasons why. Thousands of people use firearms to defend themselves every day, and even though you might use your firearm in a legal manner, you could face criminal charges or civil damages…
Now, I want to be clear that I am no lawyer, and none of what I’m saying should be considered legal advice for you, but I do want to give you 4 important reasons why you should get concealed carry insurance…
Reason 1: Over A Thousand People Use Firearms To Defend Themselves Every Day…
According to a study by the National Research Council, between 500,000 and 3 MILLION people use firearms to defend either themselves or their loved ones every year…
That’s kind of a shockingly large number, and hopefully, it will help you realize one critical thing…

That one thing is… even if you think you’ll never have to use your firearm in self-defense, there is a possibility that you could…
And using your firearm in self-defense can be a life-changing event (in an extremely bad way) without the right legal protection…
Now, the likelihood of you ever having to use your firearm defensively is still small, but you’re still choosing to legally carry a gun…
So it’s important to have substantial legal protection just in case you ever have to use it.
Reason 2: After Using Your Gun Legally, You Might Be Arrested…
Quick Question: What’s the first thing to do after legally using your firearm for self-defense?
That’s right! You call 9-1-1, and alert the authorities about what happened and where to go. But what about after that?
You call a lawyer who specializes in firearms self-defense…
And the reason why is because when the police arrive, they may (for whatever reason) end up taking you away in handcuffs…
Now, if you have the right Self-Defense Liability Insurance, the first thing you should do after calling 9-1-1 is to call your Insurance’s Rapid Response team…
You could also have a loved one call them on your behalf, but this is an incredibly important next step because it will alert your insurance provider that you’ve used your gun legally in self defense…

And they will be able to send you a lawyer who specializes in firearms self-defense!
Imagine what a relief it would be to know as you’re being taken away by police that you have a good lawyer on the way…
And several thousands of dollars to help defend yourself no matter what comes your way!
That’s a game-changer, and it’s a scenario that you should deeply consider if you carry or own a gun for self-defense.

Reason 3: After Using Your Gun Legally, You Might Be Sued…
Unfortunately, we all know that criminals (or the families of criminals) will sometimes try to go after people who legally defended themselves for Civil damages…
And here’s the thing, when you get Self-Defense Liability Insurance, you need to make sure that you’re covered even if you lose a Civil Case…
Not all Self-Defense Liability Insurance Companies will cover you for Civil damages which can sometimes reach near $500,000…

So when you’re deciding on which insurance provider to go with, you need to make sure that your plan covers you if someone brings a civil lawsuit against you…
And just to be very clear, the insurance provider that I’m going to share with you in this post, will cover you in this area…
Reason 4: Self Defense Liability Insurance Is Easy To Get And AFFORDABLE…
Many good people are reluctant to get concealed carry insurance because they think it’ll be too costly…
Well, there are some insurance providers that do charge a lot of money, especially for their more premium coverage plans…
HOWEVER, if you go with the right Self-Defense Liability Insurance, you can actually get an INCREDIBLE amount of coverage for just a small monthly cost…
In addition to that, signing up is super easy as well. You can do the whole process online, and it’ll just take you a couple of minutes!
So What’s The Best Concealed Carry Insurance…?
In my opinion, the best option when it comes to balancing AFFORDABILITY with a HUGE amount of coverage is… Right To Bear Insurance.

I love Right To Bear Insurance because they…
- Offer Affordable Plans (This is one of their goals, and they’re committed to it)
- Their Coverage Is Fantastic (Both Criminal and Civil!)
- They Make It Easy To Sign Up
- They Offer Spousal Coverage
- It’s REAL Insurance (not all of these companies provide REAL insurance)
I recommend you watch this short video (3 minutes and 25 seconds) to see why Right To Bear is the best option…
If You Have More Time, I Highly Recommend This Longer Video…
It Explains Exactly Why Right To Bear Is Superior To Other Firearms Insurance Providers (And It Includes A Very Detailed Q&A!)…
I hope this helps you out. Good luck, Stay Safe, and Godspeed!