If you’re looking to learn the reasons why concealed carry is good, you’ve come to the right place.
You see, I’ve been a concealed carry permit holder for about 5 years now, and I’m very glad that I decided to go through the process of getting my permit for many reasons.
And that’s the purpose of this article, to give you the best reasons why you should carry a gun. So with that all said, let’s jump into the Top 6 Reasons Why You Should Get Your Concealed Carry Permit…
Reason 1: You Have The Ability To Protect Yourself…
The first reason why concealed carry is a good thing is obvious… You have the ability to protect yourself. It’s no secret that there are bad people out there who wish to do others harm…
…and if you are ever put into a self-defense situation where you have no other option but to use deadly force, having a concealed carry gun could be the difference between life and death.
I’m a big supporter of law enforcement officers, but they can’t be everywhere at once. And even if they are really well trained to respond to emergency situations quickly, it still might not be quick enough to save your life.
If you carry a firearm concealed, you’ll have the ability to protect yourself quicker than anyone else can because you can start responding to the threat immediately.
In addition to that, you can protect yourself against attackers who are superior to you in terms of size and strength.
This is a particularly important thing to think about if you are a small-framed woman, an elderly person, or a person with a handicap.
We don’t all have the same physical strengths, but a physically weaker person can easily fend off a much stronger attacker if they are armed with a firearm.
Watch This Video For More Information:
Reason 2: You Have The Ability To Protect Others…
The second reason why concealed carry is a good thing is very similar to the first… You have the ability to protect others.
I’m a husband and a father, and it’s my responsibility to make sure my family is safe both at home and wherever we go.
I love my family, and being an armed citizen can help me keep my family safe even if some of the worst emergency situations were to occur.

But even beyond protecting your family, concealed carry can help you protect others as well. There’s something called the sheepdog concept by Lt. Col. Dave Grossman…
…and it basically states that in society there are sheep, wolves, and sheepdogs. The sheep are just normal people who want to carry on with their lives, the wolves are people who seek to harm others…
…and the sheepdogs are pretty much concealed carry permit holders who, if put into a situation where they had no other choice, would intervene to stop the wolves from hurting the sheep.
Obviously, you have to use good judgment before inserting yourself into a dangerous situation (you don’t want to act like you are a law enforcement officer)…
…but it could be the case that you are the only one in a position to save innocent lives.
Reason 3: You Become A More Responsible Person…
When you become a concealed carry permit holder and start carrying around a firearm, you start to become a more responsible person.
Let’s face it, carrying a weapon is a HUGE responsibility. You need to make every effort to familiarize yourself with your gun and practice shooting it (there’s no point to carrying if you can’t hit your target).
You also need to make sure you are following all of your local laws and keeping up to date with any changes that may occur.
In addition to that, being aware of your surroundings also becomes really important because you have to be on the lookout for potential threats before they happen…
…and you have to always be vigilant about keeping control and possession of your gun (not as vigilant as you would if you were open carrying, but still vigilant to a certain degree).
Because of this, you start to realize how important it is to diffuse situations in which people get really heated or to remove yourself from rowdy individuals in general (you cannot get into heated arguments or fights with others AT ALL when concealed carrying).
Reason 4: You Have A Tactical Advantage…
When you concealed carry a handgun, you have the tactical advantage over someone with ill intent. The whole point of concealed carry is that you are armed and no one around you knows it.
This can give you the element of surprise if you are faced with a life-threatening situation, and that surprise could make all the difference in the world.

It could be that your attacker (upon learning that you are armed) starts to panic and runs away, which I think would be ideal because the threat would be neutralized without any shots fired.
This tactical advantage is one of the main reasons why I prefer concealed carry vs. open carry. I actually live in a state where I have the option of choosing either method of carry…
…and even though I would open carry if it was the only option legally available to me, I would much rather stick with concealed carry if given a choice between the two.
Reason 5: You Have Already Undergone A Background Check…
If you are a concealed carry permit holder, you have already passed a background check and proven that you are a reputable citizen.
This can be beneficial for a few reasons. To start off with, you no longer need to go through a background check every time you purchase a new gun.
Usually, it’s the law that you have to pass a background check every time you purchase a new firearm. This is kind of a pain because you have to wait for the gun store to call in the background check, which may take hours.
Also, the gun store will usually charge you a fee for the mandatory background check you go through…

However, when you have a CCW permit, you’ve already undergone a background check so the gun store will not need to call one in for you, and you won’t be charged for one either. This saves you both time and money!
In addition to that, many states will honor the concealed carry permits of other states. So even though there are different concealed carry laws in every state, you may actually be legally able to carry in many states.
This can be really convenient if you plan on going on vacation to another state or if you find yourself driving in a state nearby your own.
Reason 6: Getting Your CCW Permit Is Not Very Difficult (Usually)…
The requirements for getting a concealed carry permit are different in every state, but in most states, the process isn’t very difficult at all.
You are usually required to show that you are responsible and competent with a gun in some way, and then you can apply for a permit.
The easiest way to start the process is by doing it online, and you can find out more about how to get started quickly by clicking the link below…
Reasons Why Concealed Carry Is Good – Final Thoughts…
In the end, I think if you have the desire to concealed carry a gun, you should go through the process and get your CCW Permit.
It will allow you to protect yourself and your family… It will give you a tactical advantage if you ever need to use your weapon in self-defense… And you’ll be a more responsible person in general.
You’ll also have the ability to legally carry in many other states, and you won’t have to waste time and money on a background check every time you purchase a new gun.
I hope this article presented you with some good reasons to carry a gun, and good luck as you start the process to get your own concealed carry permit.
Be Safe!
-Red Dot Shooters