The Ruger PC Charger is a fantastic little pistol…
It’s awesome because its’ reliable, accurate, fun to shoot, and extremely compact…
The problem is that because it’s not a rifle (like the Ruger PC Carbine), you can not put a stock on it…
That being said, you can put a pistol brace on it because a brace is designed to assist you when shooting the pistol one-handed…
I like the brace option because it does make shooting the Charger quite a bit easier, and it also makes the gun look more ‘complete’ and just plain cooler as well…
Now with all that being said, the big question remains… what is the best Ruger PC Charger brace…? Which one should you go with…?
Well, in this post I’m going to answer that question for you, and I’ll be doing that by giving you my list of the Top 6 Ruger PC Braces that are currently available to you…
In the end, you’ll have a good understanding of the options that are out there, and you should be able to decide which brace is going to work best for you…
Let’s begin!
Best Ruger PC Charger Brace – Top 6 List…
The best brace for the Ruger PC Charger is the SB Tactical FS1913 Folding Pistol Brace. It’s the best because it’s made from high-quality materials, it’s sturdy, and it’s very rugged. It’s also a folding brace, which makes the Ruger PC Charger extremely compact, and it’s easy to install…
The following will give you more detail explaining why I think the SB Tactical FS1913 Folding Pistol Brace is the best for your Ruger PC Charger…
…and I’ll also share with you 5 other fantastic brace options that you can consider as well.
1. SB Tactical FS1913 Folding Pistol Brace

As I mentioned above, I think the best brace for the Ruger PC Charger is the SB Tactical FS1913 Folding Pistol Brace, and there are several reasons why…
First of all, the ‘FS1913’ in the name stands for 1913 style rail (which is the same thing as a picatinny rail) and that’s the exact attachment method Ruger chose to go with on the rear of the PC Charger’s receiver. So this brace is incredibly easy to install…
In addition to that, the FS1913 (like all braces from SB Tactical) is made from high-quality materials. The ‘strut’ or extension comes in both a polymer option and a 6061 aluminum option, and the rear of the brace is made from a very durable rubber material. I prefer the aluminum option because it’s more rugged, but the polymer version will save you a little bit of weight…
On top of that, the FS1913 is low profile, lightweight and solid which is obviously incredibly important when you’re using it to help stabilize your gun. It also has a sturdy side-folding mechanism, and I think it’s a very cool, minimalist design that just works well with the PC Charger.
So all in all, I like the SB Tactical FS1913 because it’s a lightweight brace that is built to be durable, and it looks great on the Ruger PC Charger as well.
Click The Button Below To Learn More About The SB Tactical FS1913 Folding Pistol Brace:
2. SB Tactical TF1913 Folding Triangular Pistol Stabilizing Brace

Number 2 on this list of amazing braces is the SB Tactical TF1913 Folding Triangular Pistol Stabilizing Brace. This is another great option from SB Tactical, and it’s different from the FS1913 in a few important ways…
To start off, the TF1913 attaches to the Ruger PC Charger’s picatinny rail the same way the FS1913 does, and it is extremely fast and easy to install. The TF1913 also folds to the side of the Charger, and it locks in both the open and folded position with a steel mechanism. But that’s really where the similarities end…
As you can see the TF1913 has a completely different appearance from the FS1913. It’s designed to mimic triangular stocks that are sometimes found on AKs, and it has a lot less minimal look to it. The triangular extensions are made from a high-quality polymer, and the arm cuff is made from a flexible (yet very durable) rubber material…
I see a lot of shooters putting this brace on their AK pistols, but it also looks great on the Ruger PC Charger. So if you like that triangular look, and want an easy install, the TF1913 is definitely the way to go.
Click The Button Below To Learn More About The SB Tactical TF1913 Folding Triangular Pistol Stabilizing Brace:
3. A3 Tactical Ruger PC Charger Modular Folding Brace

Another fantastic brace is the A3 Tactical Modular Folding Brace, and there are many reasons why it works well with the Ruger PC Charger
First of all, as the name implies, the brace is extremely modular (it can be set up 4 different ways). It gives you a lot of options when it comes to mounting the brace, and being able to customize your brace system is a huge benefit because you can change things around until you’re happy with how the Brace assists you when you’re shooting and how it looks on your gun (I think it has to look cool or I don’t want it haha!)…
In addition to that, this brace comes in a few different variations. For example, you can get it with a straight extension or an offset extension, and you can get it in polymer (if you’d like to save some weight and money), or in aluminum (if you want a more rugged setup)…
You can also get a version that is set up to work with the Tailhook Mod 1 bracing system which looks and functions great, and overall, the quality that you get with this brace is fantastic…
On top of that, the A3 Tactical is also a folding brace. You can set it up to fold to either the right or left side of the gun, and the brace locks solidly in both the open and closed position…
So all in all, the A3 Tactical brace gives you a ton of options when mounting it on your Ruger PC Charger. It’s also built to a high standard, and it can work with the A3 Tactical Steady Brace or the Tailhook Mod 1. I like it because it adds a ton of functionality to your gun, and I think it looks really sleek as well.
Click The Button Below To Learn More About The A3 Tactical Ruger PC Charger Modular Folding Brace:
Best Ruger PC Charger Brace Adapter…
With an adapter, it is possible to mount an AR 15 buffer tube onto your Ruger PC Charger…
And once you do that, the options for mounting a brace onto your Charger greatly expand…
Here is the best Ruger PC Charge Brace Adapter in my opinion…
Midwest Industries Side Folder With Buffer Tube Adaptor…

I’m a huge fan of Midwest Industries. They make a ton of high-quality parts for AR 15s and AK’s and because this adaptor can be used with any picatinny rail, it’s a great option for the Ruger PC Charger…
It’s easy to install, and it only weighs 8.4 ounces (you don’t want to add a lot of weight to your gun because it makes it bulky)…
It’s also made from 4140 steel (so it’s extremely rugged), and it has a robust folding mechanism built into it, so you will be able to fold your brace even if you go with one of the buffer tube options listed below.
Click The Button Below To Learn More About The Midwest Industries Side Folder With Buffer Tube Adaptor:
4. SB Tactical SBA4

Once you have an AR 15 buffer tube attached to your Ruger PC Charger, you’ll be able to add my absolute favorite AR pistol brace, the SB Tactical SBA4…
I love this brace, and there are several reasons why it’s a good choice for the Charger. To begin, it’s an extremely durable brace. The top portion is made from a dense polymer, and the lower portion is the durable rubber material that SB Tactical typically uses on their pistol braces…
In addition to that, the SBA4 comes with the receiver extension (or buffer tube), that you’ll need to install it, and once it’s installed, you have the ability to adjust you’re brace’s length of pull…
There are 5 adjustment positions that you can choose from, and this will allow you to really dial in the position of your brace so that you can achieve maximum comfort while you’re shooting (regardless of the position you’re using the brace to shoot from)…
On top of that, the SBA4 looks awesome. It was designed to mimic the look of many popular AR 15 stocks that are available today, and I just think they knocked it out of the park with the aesthetics…
So all in all, if you like want to go the adaptor/buffer tube route with the brace on your PC Charger, you’ll love the SB Tactical SBA4 because looks fantastic, is durably built, and gives you an adjustable length of pull.
Click The Button Below To Learn More About The SB Tactical SBA4:
5. SB Tactical SBA3

Number 5 on the list is the older cousin of the SBA4, and that is the SB Tactical SBA3. There are a number of similarities between the SBA3 and the SBA4, but there are a few key differences as well…
First of all, the SBA3 is also built using a high-quality, dense polymer on top and a durable rubber material on the bottom. Additionally, it also comes with a receiver extension/buffer tube (so you’ll be able to easily mount it with the Midwest Industries adaptor), and it’s a 5 position adjustable brace as well (so you can adjust the length of pull)…
It’s different from the SBA4 for a few reasons. Obviously, it has a different look. It’s a much more minimalist design, but I think it looks very cool. On top of that, it’s a little more lightweight than the SBA4…
That’s always an important factor to consider when mounting any accessories to your gun because you don’t want to turn your PC Charger into a clunky and unwieldy firearm…
So really, if you like the SBA4, but want to save a couple of ounces or if you just prefer a more minimal look, then the SBA3 is a fantastic option to go with.
Click The Button Below To Learn More About The SB Tactical SBA3:
6. Gear Head Works Tailhook Mod 2

The last option I have for you on this list of amazing braces for the Ruger PC Charger is the Gear Head Works Tailhook Mod 2. Number 3 on this list is the A3 Tactical Modular Brace, and I don’t know if you remember or not, but I did mention how it comes in a version that will work with the Tailhook Mod 1…
Well, this is the Tailhook Mod 2, and if you want to go the AR buffer tube route, it’s another fantastic option. Like the SBA3 and the SBA4, the Tailhook Mod 2 comes with its own receiver extension. So the only extra part you’ll need is the Midwest Industries Adaptor…
Now, the Tailhook Mod 2 brace itself is made from a high-quality polymer, and as you can imagine, it is fully adjustable for the length of pull you desire…
On top of that, it’s a fairly lightweight design, and the ‘hook’ system it uses is pretty unique when it comes to stabilizing a large pistol. The Tailhook Mod 2 also looks really sleek, and it comes in a number of really cool colors as well (including Black, Flat Dark Earth, and OD Green)…
All in all, the Tailhook Mod 2 is another fantastic brace for the Ruger PC Charger because of the functionality it offers you, and all you need to get it mounted to your gun is a simple Midwest Industries adapter.
Click The Button Below To Learn More About The Gear Head Works Tailhook Mod 2: