First, Check Out This Video:
I’m a big fan of the pistol caliber carbine and variations of it that remain in pistol form with braces rather than stocks.
I think it’s an interesting class of firearms, and I specifically like that they’re affordable to shoot (9mm is way less expensive than rifle calibers like 5.56)…
…and they don’t have a lot of blast or recoil. They’re also relatively easy to handle because they don’t weigh as much as a rifle, but they can be shot a lot easier than a pistol.
And right now I think the CZ Scorpion Evo 3 S1 is the best option on the market if you’re looking for this style of firearm…
…and in this review I want to share with you a few reasons why.
The CZ Scorpion EVO Is Reliable…
Here’s the deal, a lot of AR-9 pistols or carbines on the market today have problems with reliability, especially when running hollow points.
I personally own the ATI Mil-Sport in pistol form, and it’s a gun I really enjoy shooting…

But like many other AR 9s that I’ve seen, it jams up when running hollow points.
You see, it doesn’t have any sort of feed ramp helping the rounds into the chamber, and it’s common to see the open point of a JHP round get caught up while being fed.
Now, on the other hand, I haven’t had any problems with the CZ Scorpion’s reliability, even when running hollowpoints…
When you look at the gun’s chamber, there is a large feed ramp right where it needs to be, and I think it does a fantastic job of eliminating any feeding problems.
The CZ Scorpion EVO Has Familiar Controls and Ergos…
I’ve been shooting AR 15s for years now, and I’m pretty used to the ergonomics and controls…
…and for me, it’s very convenient that the EVO, in its own way, kind of borrows some of those controls.

For example, the safety is located in nearly the same place as an AR 15, and even though it doesn’t operate with a 90-degree throw, it essentially works the same way…
…and the bolt release can be found in the same position as an AR 15 as well.
Another thing that sets the CZ Scorpion apart from many other civilian style sub guns, is that it locks back after firing the last round in a magazine.
Most AR 9s don’t have last shot hold open, and that’s something I prefer to have whenever I can get it.
Aside from that, another feature of the Scorpion that might not be necessary but definitely has a cool factor…

…is that the charging handle can be slapped allowing it to go forward and chamber a round.
You see, I grew up watching movies in the 90s with guys slapping the charging handle on their MP5s…
…and it’s just a fun thing to do when you’re joking around on the range.
Now, the magazine release on the Scorpion is more similar to an AK than an AR 15, which really isn’t my preference…
…but with a little bit of practice, it’s not too hard to start stripping mags out with your thumb.
CZ Scorpion EVO Accessories Are Everywhere…
Usually, new guns won’t have a lot of accessories being created for them until they’ve had a few years to establish themselves…
… but for whatever reason, 3rd parties started making things for the Scorpion pretty much right when it came out.

You can find upgraded grips for it, extended charging handles, better trigger parts, newer handguards, and much, much more…
…and on my personal Scorpion, I’ve added an SB Tactical brace, (my favorite cz scorpion pistol brace!) which looks great and can fold out of the way making the gun even more compact…
…and a Holosun HS403B, which was a great fit for this pistol because (go here to see other great red dots for the CZ Scorpion)…
…it comes with a low mount that sets the sight at the perfect height on the EVO’s top rail.
Now you could upgrade the sights if you wanted to…
…but I think the ones that come on the Scorpion are really solid because they’re metal and give a great sight picture…
…and there are some aftermarket magazines that hold around 30 rounds. I’ve personally been testing some steel lipped mags that hold 32 rounds from Manticore arms…
…and I have had a couple stoppages with them. Now, I’m pretty sure the stoppages were caused by the cheap reloaded ammunition I was using…
…and I’ll update this posting when I’ve had a chance to test out those magazines with some factory ammunition.
The CZ Scorpion EVO Is Also Accurate…
Now, I’ve only shot this gun from the bench on paper at 25 yards, but when I was bearing down for accuracy, and not just shooting for fun…
…I was able to put the rounds into one ragged hole. That tells me that the EVO is sufficiently accurate at 50 and even 100 yards…

…and I do have a lot of practical shooting with the gun at those distances while shooting steel in the desert.
Now, I will say that if you plan on mainly shooting at 100 yards, I don’t think a 9mm carbine is the right option for you…
A 5.56 rifle would probably be more effective at that distance, and when I shoot at steel in the desert…
…there’s a big difference in sound when 9mm smacks the steel as opposed to rounds from an AR 15.
That said, at 50 yards and in, I think the Scorpion can really shine because it doesn’t recoil a whole lot, and as I mentioned before, is pretty accurate.
The Scorpion Looks Cool And Is Affordable…
It may not be the most important thing in the world, but I like cool looking guns (as long as they work reliably)… and I think the Scorpion is a cool looking gun.
The best part is… it comes in several different variations. For example, mine is the model that comes with an extended handguard and a flash can…

…but there are pistol models that are shorter than mine. And there are full carbine sized models as well.
I also think that the price is pretty reasonable because the Scorpion is not crazy expensive like the sig MPX or the MP5 clones out there…
At the same time, it’s not quite as low as some of the AR9s you’ll find either.
It’s kind of mid-priced and right now they’re ranging from about $750 up to around $1,000 depending on the model you get and the accessories that come with it.
CZ Scorpion Evo 3 Review – Conclusions…
In the end, I think the Scorpion is a good buy because…
- It feeds hollow points reliably…
- It’s got great ergonomics and controls…
- It’s got a ton of accessories available for it…
- And it still maintains a reasonable price.

So I’m very happy with my CZ Scorpion, and I highly recommend it if you’re looking for a 9mm pistol caliber carbine or a braced pistol.
Now Whether Or Not You’re Shooting This Gun…
…you need to make sure that your shooting fundamentals are strong.
So, if you need help improving your accuracy…
…check out my FREE guide to learn how to improve your shooting without leaving your home or spending a dime.
It’s a very easy exercise, and I do it myself to continue my own improvement…
So to gain access to that just hit the link below…
Again, it’s 100% Free, and anyone can do it…
Farewell, and have fun at the range!