Have you ever wondered what you’d do if access to clean water became scarce?
I know I have… I live in the Nevada desert, and as I’ve seen our water supply (Lake Mead) go down over the years after several droughts, it’s something I’ve been thinking about more and more.
Water storage is a great option, but you have to have a lot of space to store it if you’re going to save up enough to get through an emergency…
So in this review, we’re going to discuss another option called the Water Freedom System, which is a guide that teaches you how to make your very own portable water generator…
Now I know what you’re thinking… Does it really work? Is it legit?
Well, we’ll be getting to that in a moment, but if you’re in a hurry, here’s a quick summary of my review:
The Water Freedom System is a guide that teaches you how to create your very own portable water generator using a simple condensation principle. The generator sucks in humid air and then cools it, which creates water. The guide is easy to follow, and all the materials will cost about 270 dollars from your local hardware store. It has a 60 Day Money-Back Guarantee, and I think it’s a great guide for anyone who wants to have more control over their water supply.
If you’re looking for more information than just that then stick around because in this review, we’re going to cover the following information in detail:
- Water Freedom System – A Brief Overview
- How Is The Water Freedom System Set Up?
- Who Created It?
- Who Is The System For?
- Who Is The System NOT For?
- Is It All A Scam?
- Pros And Cons
In the end, I’ll give you my final thoughts about the Water Freedom System, and you’ll have all the information you need to determine whether or not it’s something that can help you…
Let’s get started!
Water Freedom System – A Brief Overview…
The Water Freedom System is a guide that teaches you how to create clean drinking water out of thin air (even if you live in the desert).
It doesn’t require that you dig a well or harvest water from a nearby river because you’ll be learning (step by step) how to create a portable water generator.
The generator you create is based on the same technology used by the US Military and the militaries of the UK, Israel, India, France, and many other countries.
It all works by sucking in humid air, and then cooling it in a way that’s similar to how an air conditioner works…
Even though it’s similar, it works more efficiently than an air conditioner, and the cooling of the air creates condensation, which creates water.
You’re able to produce up to 60 gallons per day with this system, and the water is clean and drinkable.
The purpose of the Water Freedom System is to make you more self-sufficient and not reliant on the government or water company for your water supply.
I think it’s a smart idea to take your water supply into your own hands because if there is an emergency like a drought, storm, hurricane, etc… you don’t want to be caught unprepared.
We use water for drinking, cooking, bathing, growing food, and so many other things… and sometimes we forget…
…that there could come a time (as has happened in the past) when it’s not a resource that’s easy to acquire.
How Is The Water Freedom System Set Up?
The Water Freedom System is set up as a step by step digital guide that teaches you how to build a portable water generator.
Within the guide you get pictures, detailed diagrams, and lists of materials, and everything is laid out in a format that is very easy to follow.
The pictures help you identify exactly what you’ll need, and the diagrams help clarify the whole build process.
The materials you need can be found at your local hardware store, and you won’t need any expensive tools or specialized skills.
The cost of materials adds up to around 270 bucks, and it usually takes about an hour of work to build the generator.
As I mentioned before, the generator works by incorporating the principle of condensation…
…and it functions in a way similar to an air conditioner by sucking in air, cooling it, and gathering the water created from condensation.
Who Created The Water Freedom System?
The Water Freedom System was created by Chris Burns who is a 57 year-old farmer who lives near Fresno in California.
Now if you’re familiar with the southwest (I am because I live in Las Vegas), you know that we’ve gone through several droughts in the past few years…

Chris’s story goes that it was the 3rd year of a drought (2014) that had been causing recurring problems for the farmers in his area…
Eventually, he fell into a situation where he did not have enough water for his crops, and that meant he would have hundreds of acres of farmland that were going to go unplanted…
He was hoping that the State Water Project would step in and help out the farmers, but they were basically told to go an find water in other places (like the Colorado river).
Now, he had been preparing for a situation without water for some time, and he had stored up water that his family would be able to use for drinking, cleaning, cooking, etc.
Long story short, his stockpile ended up getting stolen, and he started to feel helpless because his wife and 2 daughters were relying on him to get what they needed.
In an effort to find a solution, he contacted a family member (his uncle) who worked with the military, and his uncle informed him that there was a method troops were using to source water out of thin air…
Chris was immediately interested and asked his uncle to partner up with him in an effort to create a water generator he could use at home that worked the same way. His uncle agreed and they got to work.
As they started, Chris insisted that the generator be cheap to build, quick to build, and portable, just in case he and his family had to leave town for some reason.
After some trial and error, they eventually created a portable water generator from materials they found at Home Depot using common tools that most people already have.
Chris decided to share the plans to create this generator, and that became the Water Freedom System.
Who Is The Water Freedom System For?
If you’re not sure if the Water Freedom System is something for you, let’s go through a few questions that will help show who can benefit from using this system.
Do you want to be more self reliant?
If you don’t like the idea of being dependent on the water company or the government to supply you will clean water, then the Water Freedom System is perfect for you.
Let’s face it, emergency situations do happen… And sometimes you’re on your own when It comes to gathering supplies you need, including water.

We’ve seen these situations happen recently with droughts, hurricanes, and floods, and the point is you don’t want to be caught unprepared.
This system will help keep you prepared because it teaches you how to create a generator that will produce clean water, even if all the water around you is dirty or if you live in an area where there is limited water like the desert.
Do you want to save money?
When you total it all up, the money you pay monthly for water really starts to add up. By using more water that you generator from home, you’ll be able to save a lot of money off that monthly bill…
In addition to that, the Water Freedom System is pretty affordable… It’s costs less than 40 dollars (at the discounted price), and the materials you’ll need to build your generator cost around 270 bucks…
Are you environmentally conscious?
If you’re environmentally conscious, you’ll probably like the Water Freedom System because it produces pure, clean water without the use of any harsh chemicals or treatments.
Do you like learning new skills or working with your hands?
I really love learning new skills. To me it’s really fun, and I enjoy the process of improving myself.
On top of that, I especially like learning how to do things that not a lot of people know how to do, and building my own water generator definitely fits into that category.
In addition to that, I enjoy working on projects and just being the handyman at my house. If there’s something I can build or fix, I like to do it myself.
The Water Freedom System doesn’t take long to build, but it is a fun project to work on.
Can you follow basic instructions?
The system is easy to go through and as long as you can follow basic instructions, you’ll be able to complete the project.
Like I mentioned before, the materials all have pictures so you know exactly what to get, and there are detailed diagrams that clear up any confusion you might have about where everything goes.
In fact, the whole guide was designed in a way to give you “over the shoulder” instruction, as if you were learning from someone who was right there showing you exactly what to do.
Who Is The Water Freedom System NOT For?
Now that we’ve discussed who the system can benefit, let’s go through a few questions that will clarify who the system will NOT benefit…
Do you have free time?
If you live a very hectic life without any free time, the Water Freedom System might not be fore you.
Don’t get me wrong, it only takes about an hour to complete the project so it can definitely be done after work or on the weekend…
…but if you’re never going to find time to actually put the guide into use, I don’t recommend you spend your money on it.
Do you need video to learn?
Like I said, the guide is step by step and very easy to follow, but if you’re a person that needs video to learn, there are no video instructions provided in this guide.
Is The Water Freedom System A Scam?
If you’re searching around the internet, you might find some websites that call the Water Freedom System a con of a scam…
If that’s the case, just be aware that even though some people have legitimate bad experiences…
…others will trash products to get attention and get people going to their website (where often times a competing product is being promoted).
Here’s why I think it’s completely safe to try the Water Freedom System… It’s a product sold through Clickbank which is an online marketplace that’s been around for a long time.

The reason they’ve been around a long time is because they’re trusted, and they offer a 60 Day Money-Back Guarantee on the products they sell.
That means, if you try out the Water Freedom System and discover it’s not what you were hoping, you’ve got 60 days (pretty much 2 months!) to get a full refund.
Look out for the Water Freedom System Free Download…
If you come across any websites claiming to offer the Water Freedom System as a free download, just be aware that the real Water Freedom System is definitely not free.
I don’t know what you’ll find if you try going with these free download websites, but I really doubt the information you receive (if any at all) will be anything close to the real system.
Water Freedom System Pros And Cons
- Easy to follow
- Teaches you how to build your own portable water generator
- Helps you be more self-reliant
- Helps you save money
- Environmentally friendly
- Affordable
- 60 Day Money-Back Guarantee
- You’re taught everything you need to know, but it does still require work to build the generator. If you live a very hectic life, and won’t find the time, I recommend you don’t buy it.
- It’s easy to follow, but there is no video format.
Water Freedom System Review – Final Thoughts…
In the end, I think the Water Freedom System is a really cool guide because…
- It helps you become more self sufficient.
- It saves you money
- And it’s affordable

Considering there is a 60 Day Money Back Guarantee attached to it, I think it’s a no brainer for anyone trying to take more control over their personal water supply.