Author Archives: Red Dot Shooters

Water Freedom System Review – Is It Worth Trying Or Not?

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water freedom system review

Have you ever wondered what you’d do if access to clean water became scarce?

I know I have… I live in the Nevada desert, and as I’ve seen our water supply (Lake Mead) go down over the years after several droughts, it’s something I’ve been thinking about more and more.

Water storage is a great option, but you have to have a lot of space to store it if you’re going to save up enough to get through an emergency…

Water Freedom System

So in this review, we’re going to discuss another option called the Water Freedom System, which is a guide that teaches you how to make your very own portable water generator…

Now I know what you’re thinking… Does it really work? Is it legit?

Well, we’ll be getting to that in a moment, but if you’re in a hurry, here’s a quick summary of my review:

The Water Freedom System is a guide that teaches you how to create your very own portable water generator using a simple condensation principle. The generator sucks in humid air and then cools it, which creates water. The guide is easy to follow, and all the materials will cost about 270 dollars from your local hardware store. It has a 60 Day Money-Back Guarantee, and I think it’s a great guide for anyone who wants to have more control over their water supply. 

If you’re looking for more information than just that then stick around because in this review, we’re going to cover the following information in detail:

  • Water Freedom System – A Brief Overview
  • How Is The Water Freedom System Set Up?
  • Who Created It?
  • Who Is The System For?
  • Who Is The System NOT For?
  • Is It All A Scam?
  • Pros And Cons

In the end, I’ll give you my final thoughts about the Water Freedom System, and you’ll have all the information you need to determine whether or not it’s something that can help you…

Let’s get started!

Water Freedom System – A Brief Overview…

The Water Freedom System is a guide that teaches you how to create clean drinking water out of thin air (even if you live in the desert). 

It doesn’t require that you dig a well or harvest water from a nearby river because you’ll be learning (step by step) how to create a portable water generator.

The generator you create is based on the same technology used by the US Military and the militaries of the UK, Israel, India, France, and many other countries.

It all works by sucking in humid air, and then cooling it in a way that’s similar to how an air conditioner works…

Even though it’s similar, it works more efficiently than an air conditioner, and the cooling of the air creates condensation, which creates water. 

Water Freedom System

You’re able to produce up to 60 gallons per day with this system, and the water is clean and drinkable. 

The purpose of the Water Freedom System is to make you more self-sufficient and not reliant on the government or water company for your water supply.  

I think it’s a smart idea to take your water supply into your own hands because if there is an emergency like a drought, storm, hurricane, etc… you don’t want to be caught unprepared.

We use water for drinking, cooking, bathing, growing food, and so many other things… and sometimes we forget…

…that there could come a time (as has happened in the past) when it’s not a resource that’s easy to acquire.  

How Is The Water Freedom System Set Up?

The Water Freedom System is set up as a step by step digital guide that teaches you how to build a portable water generator. 

Within the guide you get pictures, detailed diagrams, and lists of materials, and everything is laid out in a format that is very easy to follow. 

The pictures help you identify exactly what you’ll need, and the diagrams help clarify the whole build process.

The materials you need can be found at your local hardware store, and you won’t need any  expensive tools or specialized skills.

The cost of materials adds up to around 270 bucks, and it usually takes about an hour of work to build the generator.

As I mentioned before, the generator works by incorporating the principle of condensation…

…and it functions in a way similar to an air conditioner by sucking in air, cooling it, and gathering the water created from condensation.    

Who Created The Water Freedom System?

The Water Freedom System was created by Chris Burns who is a 57 year-old farmer who lives near Fresno in California.

Now if you’re familiar with the southwest (I am because I live in Las Vegas), you know that we’ve gone through several droughts in the past few years…

water freedom system

Chris’s story goes that it was the 3rd year of a drought (2014) that had been causing recurring problems for the farmers in his area…

Eventually, he fell into a situation where he did not have enough water for his crops, and that meant he would have hundreds of acres of farmland that were going to go unplanted…

He was hoping that the State Water Project would step in and help out the farmers, but they were basically told to go an find water in other places (like the Colorado river).

Now, he had been preparing for a situation without water for some time, and he had stored up water that his family would be able to use for drinking, cleaning, cooking, etc. 

Long story short, his stockpile ended up getting stolen, and he started to feel helpless because his wife and 2 daughters were relying on him to get what they needed.

Water Freedom System

In an effort to find a solution, he contacted a family member (his uncle) who worked with the military, and his uncle informed him that there was a method troops were using to source water out of thin air…

Chris was immediately interested and asked his uncle to partner up with him in an effort to create a water generator he could use at home that worked the same way. His uncle agreed and they got to work. 

As they started, Chris insisted that the generator be cheap to build, quick to build, and portable, just in case he and his family had to leave town for some reason.

After some trial and error, they eventually created a portable water generator from materials they found at Home Depot using common tools that most people already have. 

Chris decided to share the plans to create this generator, and that became the Water Freedom System.    

Who Is The Water Freedom System For?

If you’re not sure if the Water Freedom System is something for you, let’s go through a few questions that will help show who can benefit from using this system.  

Do you want to be more self reliant? 

If you don’t like the idea of being dependent on the water company or the government to supply you will clean water, then the Water Freedom System is perfect for you. 

Let’s face it, emergency situations do happen… And sometimes you’re on your own when It comes to gathering supplies you need, including water.

We’ve seen these situations happen recently with droughts, hurricanes, and floods, and the point is you don’t want to be caught unprepared.

This system will help keep you prepared because it teaches you how to create a generator that will produce clean water, even if all the water around you is dirty or if you live in an area where there is limited water like the desert.  

Do you want to save money?

When you total it all up, the money you pay monthly for water really starts to add up. By using more water that you generator from home, you’ll be able to save a lot of money off that monthly bill…

In addition to that, the Water Freedom System is pretty affordable… It’s costs less than 40 dollars (at the discounted price), and the materials you’ll need to build your generator cost around 270 bucks…

Are you environmentally conscious?

If you’re environmentally conscious, you’ll probably like the Water Freedom System because it produces pure, clean water without the use of any harsh chemicals or treatments.

Do you like learning new skills or working with your hands?

I really love learning new skills.  To me it’s really fun, and I enjoy the process of improving myself. 

On top of that, I especially like learning how to do things that not a lot of people know how to do, and building my own water generator definitely fits into that category.

In addition to that, I enjoy working on projects and just being the handyman at my house. If there’s something I can build or fix, I like to do it myself.

The Water Freedom System doesn’t take long to build, but it is a fun project to work on.

Can you follow basic instructions?

The system is easy to go through and as long as you can follow basic instructions, you’ll be able to complete the project. 

Like I mentioned before, the materials all have pictures so you know exactly what to get, and there are detailed diagrams that clear up any confusion you might have about where everything goes. 

In fact, the whole guide was designed in a way to give you “over the shoulder” instruction, as if you were learning from someone who was right there showing you exactly what to do. 

Who Is The Water Freedom System NOT For?

Now that we’ve discussed who the system can benefit, let’s go through a few questions that will clarify who the system will NOT benefit…

Do you have free time?

If you live a very hectic life without any free time, the Water Freedom System might not be fore you.

Don’t get me wrong, it only takes about an hour to complete the project so it can definitely be done after work or on the weekend…

…but if you’re never going to find time to actually put the guide into use, I don’t recommend you spend your money on it. 

Do you need video to learn?

Like I said, the guide is step by step and very easy to follow, but if you’re a person that needs video to learn, there are no video instructions provided in this guide. 

Is The Water Freedom System A Scam?

If you’re searching around the internet, you might find some websites that call the Water Freedom System a con of a scam…

If that’s the case, just be aware that even though some people have legitimate bad experiences…

…others will trash products to get attention and get people going to their website (where often times a competing product is being promoted). 

Here’s why I think it’s completely safe to try the Water Freedom System… It’s a product sold through Clickbank which is an online marketplace that’s been around for a long time. 

The reason they’ve been around a long time is because they’re trusted, and they offer a 60 Day Money-Back Guarantee on the products they sell.

That means, if you try out the Water Freedom System and discover it’s not what you were hoping, you’ve got 60 days (pretty much 2 months!) to get a full refund. 

Look out for the Water Freedom System Free Download…

If you come across any websites claiming to offer the Water Freedom System as a free download, just be aware that the real Water Freedom System is definitely not free. 

I don’t know what you’ll find if you try going with these free download websites, but I really doubt the information you receive (if any at all) will be anything close to the real system.  

Water Freedom System Pros And Cons


  • Easy to follow
  • Teaches you how to build your own portable water generator
  • Helps you be more self-reliant
  • Helps you save money
  • Environmentally friendly
  • Affordable
  • 60 Day Money-Back Guarantee


  • You’re taught everything you need to know, but it does still require work to build the generator. If you live a very hectic life, and won’t find the time, I recommend you don’t buy it. 
  • It’s easy to follow, but there is no video format.

Water Freedom System Review – Final Thoughts…

In the end, I think the Water Freedom System is a really cool guide because…

  • It helps you become more self sufficient.
  • It saves you money
  • And it’s affordable

Considering there is a 60 Day Money Back Guarantee attached to it, I think it’s a no brainer for anyone trying to take more control over their personal water supply. 


Combat Fighter System Review – Worth Your Time Or Not?

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combat fighter system review

Have you ever doubted yourself in a fight?

If the answer is yes, then I recommend you start taking some form of action to build up your confidence and your skill as a fighter.

There are many ways you can do this… joining a boxing gym, a karate dojo, learning jujitsu, etc…

But if you go that route, expect to pay a monthly fee, purchase extra equipment, and make time each week to drive down to the training facility.

There is another option… It’s called the Combat Fighter System, and it’s a digital training program that claims to teach effective fighting techniques for beginners right from home.

Now I know what you’re thinking… is combat fighter legit? Does it really teach you how to fight?

Well, we’ll be getting to that in a bit, but if you’re in a hurry, here’s a quick summary of my review:

The Combat Fighter System is a step by step guide to learning some of the most effective fighting techniques out there. The techniques are simple and powerful, and you don’t need any prior knowledge or skills to be able to learn them. It’s a great system if you’re looking to become more effective in self defense (and in defense of your loved ones). And they offer a 60 Day Money-Back Guarantee that makes it easy for you to get your money back if you’re not satified with the system.

If you’re looking for more information than that then keep reading because in this review, we’re going to cover the following information in detail:

  • Combat Fighter System – A Brief Overview
  • How Is The Combat Fighter System Set Up?
  • Who Created It?
  • Who Is The System For?
  • Who Is The System NOT For?
  • Is The System A Con Or A Scam?
  • Pros and Cons

In the end, I’ll give you my final thoughts about the Combat Fighter System, and you should have a good idea whether or not it’s a program that can work for you. 

Let’s get started with the review!   

Combat Fighter System – A Brief Overview…

The Combat Fighter System is a training program that teaches you simple (but effective) fighting techniques that can end a fight very quickly. 

I think these are some of the best fighting techniques to learn because unlike with boxing or MMA, there are no rules in a street fight…

…so it’s really important that you completely dominate your opponent and end the fight fast. This system teaches you how to do that, and it’s done in a way that’s very easy to follow… 

Now, unlike with the typical sporting martial arts, you don’t need to spend years fine-tuning your skills because the techniques taught in this system are instinctual and don’t require a lot of training. 

In addition to that, the training is step by step so anyone can easily go through it, and it includes a written guide and videos to help teach you the techniques.

At the discounted price, the Combat Fighter System costs less than 40 dollars, and you get some pretty cool bonuses thrown in as well… 


Like I mentioned, if you purchase the Combat Fighter System you get 3 bonuses that are included for free:

  • The Advanced Situational Awareness Manuel
  • The Alpha Survival Manuel
  • The Alpha Nation Online Coaching Community
combat fighter reviews

The Advanced Situational Awareness manuel is an awesome little guide that teaches you how to read your surroundings…

By employing the techniques and strategies included in the manuel, you can avoid dangerous situations or be prepared to take action to protect yourself and your loved ones.

The Alpha Survival manuel is packed with tricks and techniques that can help you survive if an emergency situation breaks out. 

The topics discussed range from power outages to terrorist attacks, and you’re taught exactly how you should respond to give yourself the best possible chance of survival. 

The Alpha Nation Online Coaching Community is an online community of resources to help you get started with the Combat Fighter System…

It also includes hundreds of articles and videos that can hopefully help you become a better man and all-around leader, and you get free access for a total of 30 days (after that your free access will expire).  

All in all, I think you get a lot of value when you get the Combat Fighter System with the inclusion of these 3 cool bonuses. 

How Is The Combat Fighter System Set Up?

The Combat Fighter System is set up in an easy to follow training format. The lessons are step by step and videos are included to help you fully grasp the concepts. 

Like I mentioned before the techniques you learn are simple and effective, and they don’t require years of training to master them. 

The following are some of the techniques included:

  • The Force Hijack – This technique allows you to use the power of your opponent against them. 
  • The Center Line Strike – This is a classic technique that will allow you to stop an attacker very quickly.  
  • The Blitz Blast – This technique shows you how you can overwhelm an opponent without much effort on your part.
  • The Surgical Strike – This technique is all about being precise and can be quite effective on an attacker who is very strong.
  • The Third Eye – This technique is all about being conscious about what’s going on around you. 
  • The One And Drone – Another technique for winning a fight very quickly. 
  • The Tipping Point Principle – A great technique that’s all about switching from defense to attack when facing down your opponent.  

Who Created The Combat Fighter System?

The creator of the Combat Fighter System goes by the name John Black.  This is not his real name, and he has an interesting reason why he uses a pseudonym… 

He’s a soldier in the U.S. army, and since he’s been involved in overseas conflicts, he wanted to keep his name private to protect himself and his brothers in arms…

alphanation combat fighter review

Now his story starts when he was 17 years old. Apparently he was dating a girl who had an older ex-boyfriend who was threatening him. 

He felt afraid and unsure of himself, and he froze up… His girlfriend called the cops who intervened, but he felt kind of helpless because he didn’t have confidence in his ability to defend himself or his girlfriend.  

This led him on a journey to learn how to fight. He did it all… Karate, Kung Fu, boxing, etc… and eventually he got a job as a bouncer at a bar in his hometown hoping he would be able to get rid of the pre-fight jitters he usually felt. 

Long story short, he eventually discovered that the most effective fighting techniques didn’t require the years of training he dedicated to martial arts. 

In fact, there were just a few instinctual techniques (anyone could learn quickly) that could put an end to a fight… the same type of techniques used by the special forces units of many different countries.

He decided to share these techniques with the world and that became the Combat Fighter System.     

Who Is The Combat Fighter System For?

To help determine if the Combat Fighter System is for you, we’ll go through a few questions…

Do you lack confidence in your ability to protect yourself and your loved ones?

If the answer is yes, you need to do something about it. By learning the simple but powerful fighting techniques in this system, you’ll most certainly be more prepared to deal with threats to your and your family’s safety.  

And like I said earlier, the techniques are easy to learn and the concepts are easy to understand.

Do you want to learn more about fighting?

Maybe you’ve learned some fighting techniques already but are looking to add more techniques into your tool box…

If that’s the case, you’ll probably benefit from the techniques in this system because they’re fairly unique. 

Do you enjoy learning?

I love learning new skills… I just think its fun and I enjoy improving myself. If you’re the same way, you’ll probably enjoy Combat Fighter. 

Can you follow basic instructions? 

The fighting techniques taught in the Combat Fighter System are simple and straightforward. 

They also don’t require any previous skills. So as long as you can follow basic instructions, you’ll be able to learn the techniques.  

Who Is The Combat Fighter System NOT For?

Now that we’ve gone through who the Combat Fighter System can benefit, let’s go through a few questions to determine who this system probably won’t help. 

Do you already have A LOT of fighting experience?

Have you been training for years in any of the common martial arts? If you have, you might not get a lot out of the system. 

However, like I mentioned before, the methods taught a pretty unique…So it is possible you’ll pick up a few new techniques. 

Do you have free time?

Like I said before, the techniques are pretty straightforward and easy to learn. But with that being said, they will still require some effort on your part to learn them. 

If you live a very hectic life and won’t be able to find the time to go through the training, then I recommend you don’t spend your money on it. 

Is The Combat Fighter System A Con Or A Scam?

One of the things I really like about the Combat Fighter System is that it’s a product sold through Clickbank, which is an online marketplace that’s been around for a long time…

They’ve lasted a long time because they are a trustworthy outfit, and they offer a 60 Day Money-Back Guarantee… 

So if you try out the Combat Fighter System and determine it’s not for you, you have 60 days to get a full refund on it. 

To me, that makes it a safe product to try out because… worst case scenario, you don’t like it and get your money back. 

Look out for the Combat Fighter System free download…

If you come across any websites claiming to have a free download of the Combat Fighter System, I would proceed with caution…

The real Combat Fighter System is definitely not free. So I’m not sure what you’ll find if you opt in for these free downloads, but if you do get any info, I doubt it will be anything close to the real thing. 

Pros And Cons Of The Combat Fighter System…


  • Improves you fighting skills
  • Builds your confidence to protect loved ones
  • Easy to follow and simple to learn
  • You can learn the techniques from home
  • Affordable
  • 3 Bonuses
  • 60 Day Money-Back Guarantee


  • You need to spend time going through the training. If you’re too busy, I don’t recommend you get it. 

Combat Fighter System Review – Conclusions…

In the end, I think the Combat Fighter System is a pretty cool option if you’re trying to become a more confident fighter…

  • It teaches you simple and powerful techniques
  • It’s affordable
  • And it comes with 3 bonuses

Add to that the fact that you have a 60 Day Money-Back Guarantee, and I think it’s a no brainer for anyone who wants to be fully prepared in self defense situations. 


[Review] Power Efficiency Guide – Is It Legitimate Or Should You Pass?

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power efficiency guide review

Have you ever wanted to generate your own power at home? 

I have for sure, and there are many reasons why it’s something I’ve been thinking about for a long time now… 

You’ve got a few options available to you… The most common one being a gas-powered generator, and solar power is getting better now and also starting to become a popular option…

But there are many issues that can come up with these home energy sources, starting with the most obvious problem…they’re pretty expensive.

To cut to the chase, in my search for a home power system I came across something called the Power Efficiency Guide…  

This guide claims to teach you how to build your own energy source from your home without spending a fortune on tools and equipment…

Now I know what you’re thinking… Does it actually work? Is the power efficiency guide legitimate or a hoax?

Well I’ll be getting to that in just a minute because this review is going to go over the Power Efficiency Guide in a lot of detail…

However if you’re in a hurry, here’s a quick summary of my review: 

The Power Efficiency Guide is a great resource for learning how to create your own home power source. It uses the same principles you’ll find in today’s electric cars, and the home power plant runs without letting off any fumes or burning any fires. The instructions in the guide are very easy to follow (step by step), and it doesn’t require any special skills or tools. I think it’s a great guide for all those who wish to take home energy into their own hands.  

👉 Click Here To Get The Power Proficiency Guide At A Discounted Price

If you’re looking for more information than just that then stick around because in this full-length review we’re going to cover all the following information:

  • The Power Efficiency Guide – A Brief Overview…
  • Who Created The Power Efficiency Guide?
  • How Is Guide Set Up?
  • Who Is The Guide For?
  • Who Is The Guide NOT For?
  • Is The Guide A Hoax Or A Scam?
  • Pros And Cons…

In the end, I’ll give you my final thoughts about the Power Efficiency Guide and you should have a good idea whether or not it’s something that can help you…

Let’s get started!

The Power Efficiency Guide – A Brief Overview…

The Power Efficiency Guide is an online program that teaches you how to build your own miniature power plant right from your home, helping you save money and be more self-reliant…

It goes over (in detail) everything you’ll need to get started and the plans outline (step by step) exactly what you need to do to build this home energy source. 

is the power efficiency guide for real

The guide is easy to follow, and you don’t need to know any specialized skills in order to create the power source (which doesn’t include a windmill, a solar panel, or a waterfall like many other energy sources do).

There are several pictures and detailed diagrams to help you out along the way, and you’ll only need to use common tools that you probably already have.

In addition to that, the guide makes it really easy to gather all the supplies you’ll need by describing them in detail, giving you a picture of each item, and even linking you to a place where you can purchase each item online if you want to.

None of the supplies you’ll need are very expensive (the total cost was a little over $100), and like I said before, you won’t need any expensive or unique tools either.   

The first couple chapters of the guide teach you about different sources of energy, and you get introduced to the ‘spinning principle’ which is a way to create electricity and is actually used in a lot of electric cars these days… 

You also learn about the energy multiplication principle which is basically a way of multiplying the energy created from the spinning principle…

It’s all very ‘science-y’ if you’re into that type of thing… But in the end, you get an electric power generator which lets off no fumes and has no burning fires you need to worry about. 


Another cool thing about the Power Energy Guide is that right now they’re offering several bonus guides that you get for free if you purchase it…

The free guides are:

  1. Saving Power Saving The World
  2. Money Saving Tips For Families
  3. 15 Top Ways To Save Money
  4. Go Green Save Green At The Same Time
  5. How To Be Environmentally Friendly
reviews power efficiency guide

All the bonus guides are online. So, along with the Power Energy Guide,  you can access them immediately, download them, and start learning.  

Who Created The Power Efficiency Guide?

The man who created the Power Efficiency Guide is named Mark Edwards… He’s a 56 year-old geography teacher from Memphis, Tennessee.

His story is that one night, in the middle of winter, the power went out at his home. He and his family were freezing and felt helpless because every time they tried to call the power company, they got an automated message, meaning there was nothing the power company could do…

He and his family left the next day for his parents’ house in Kentucky, and he was so frustrated about watching his wife and children shiver in the cold that he decided he needed a way to power his house on his own…

He had some friends and family that were engineers involved with the electric car industry. So he started working with them, and eventually they were able to build an electric power generator Mark could use for his home.

Now when they started this project there were certain things Mark insisted upon with regards to the creation of his mini power plant.

First of all, he wanted it to be cheap and easy to build because at the time, money was tight, and he hoped to eventually save money by not using the power company anymore.

Second, it had to be easy to move just in case he and his family had to leave town again for some reason…

Last, it had to be a self-reliant power system. Not something that was reliant on sunlight, water power, or wind because those sources of power aren’t always available. 

In the end, they were able to achieve those goals, and because so many of his friends were constantly asking about what he did, Mark decided to create the guide. 

Click The Video Below To Learn More:

power efficiency guide plans

How Is The Power Efficiency Guide Set Up?

The Power Efficiency Guide is set up as a step by step guide teaching you exactly how to build your own electric energy source. It’s straight to the point and very easy to follow… 

It starts off by giving you a list of components you’ll need to pick up and then starts teaching you about different types of natural energy sources (information you’ll need as a baseline to understand how it all works)…

Here’s a list showing exactly how the guide is outlined:

  • Introduction
  • List Of Components
  • DC Motor 12-Volt
  • Gears With Sprocket Chains
  • Flywheel
  • Rotors
  • Alternator
  • The Generator
  • The Switch
  • The Inverter
  • Battery 
  • Conclusion
  • List Of Tools 

Now if you’re thinking that it might be too involved or that you don’t have the skills, let me assure you that the instructions are very easy to follow and you won’t need any special skills (or to be particularly handy)…

The guide is really very thorough. So everything you’ll need to know is described in a lot of detail. 

For example, when you’re going through the list of components there are pictures showing you exactly what you’ll need and direct links sending you exactly where you can go to pick them up online…

The pictures are there to ensure you know what you’re looking for if you’d rather pick up your supplies somewhere else, and the whole thing is thought out incredibly well. 

There are also diagrams that show you exactly where things go clearing up any confusion that you might have.

In addition to that, as you go through the steps you learn the importance of each part and how it all goes together to actually get the system working. 

Who Is The Power Efficiency Guide For?

If you’re thinking about getting the Power Efficiency Guide but aren’t sure if it’s right for you, here are a few questions that will hopeful help clarify if it can benefit you…

Do you want to be self-reliant?

If the answer is yes, this guide is perfect for you. We all know that natural disasters happen, and the power and everything else can go down… 

That means you and your family might be on your own for a few days or even weeks. 

This guide teaches you how to affordably create an energy source that will keep the power in your home running even if the power company stops answering calls…

…and it doesn’t require gasoline (which might not be available) to keep running either.  

Do you want to save money?

In a span of 10 years, the monthly power bills really start to add up… In fact, it’s typical for a family to pay anywhere from 10,000 to 25,000 dollars within that amount of time… 

With this guide, you’ll be able to eliminate that bill and start saving money. The components you need are not very costly, and you won’t have to invest in expensive specialty tools.

In addition to that, the guide is actually pretty affordable. It’ll cost you less than 50 bucks at the discounted price, and you get some cool bonuses on top of that.  

Are you environmentally conscious?

If you’re environmentally conscious, this guide is a good option for you. The home power plant you create doesn’t let off any fumes…

…and like I mentioned before, the energy principles involved are the same ones used in electric cars that are currently being built.  

Do you enjoy learning new skills?

I really enjoy learning new skills and improving myself. I find the process fun, and I think it’s cool that you can learn how to create your own home energy system.

I also like learning how to be handy around my home. Even when I was a little kid, I was always helping my dad repair things, and it’s just something I enjoy doing. 

If you’re the same way, you’ll probably have fun going through the guide.  

Can you follow basic instructions?

Like I’ve mentioned already, the guide is very easy to follow. It was created to specifically give you the information in an “over the shoulder” way as if you were learning from someone who was right there with you. 

Who Is The Power Efficiency Guide NOT For?

Now that we’ve gone through who the guide is for, let’s go over some questions that will help you determine if the guide is not for you. 

Do you require video to learn?

Some people just can not learn if there is no video showing them what they need to do. And even though the guide is very clear, if you need video to learn, this guide might not be the right choice for you. 

Do you have some free time?

If you live a very hectic life and don’t have much free time, you might not have time to build your home power plant. 

Don’t get me wrong, it can definitely be done, on the weekends, after work, etc., but my point is that if you never get around to putting the guide to use, you probably shouldn’t spend your hard-earned money on it. 

Is The Power Efficiency Guide A Hoax Or A Scam? 

Without a doubt, if you’re searching around on the internet, you’ll find website’s calling the Power Efficiency Guide a hoax or a scam…

There are definitely people that genuinely have bad experiences, but I would take these reviews with a grain of salt…

Often times, these scam reviews are ways to lure people to a website where a competing product is being promoted. 

Here’s why I think the Power Efficiency Guide is a safe product to buy… It’s a product sold through Clickbank.

Clickbank is a trusted online marketplace that’s been around a long time, and they offer a 60 Day Money-Back Guarantee.

So if you purchase the guide and find out it’s not for you, you’ve got 60 days to get all your money back. 

Look Out For The Power Efficiency Guide Free Download…

You might be searching around online and come across a power efficiency guide free download. If that’s the case, just be aware that the real Power Efficiency Guide is definitely not free…

I’m not sure what you’ll find if you try to opt-in for one of these free downloads, but I sincerely doubt the information you get (if any) will be anything close to the real thing. 

Power Efficiency Guide Pros And Cons…


  • You’re able to create your own energy source
  • You can save money
  • You’ll be prepared if the power goes out
  • The guide is digital with easy and instant access
  • It’s easy to follow
  • No special skills required
  • Environmentally friendly 
  • It’s affordable
  • 60 Day Money-Back Guarantee


  • You will have to put in the work to create your power source. If you have no time or are unwilling, this might not be for you. 
  • There is no video format included in the guide. 

Power Efficiency Guide Review – Final Thoughts…

In the end, I think the Power Efficiency Guide is a really cool resource because…

  • It’s easy to follow
  • It saves you money
  • It makes you more self-reliant
power efficiency guide

Add to that the affordable price tag it carries, and I think it’s something that every person (who wants to take their home’s energy into their own hands) should have. 


[Review] EZ Battery Reconditioning – Does It Work Or Not?

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ez battery reconditioning review

Have you ever wanted to bring your dead batteries back to life? 

I know I have… I live in the hot Nevada desert and it seems like I’m replacing batteries all the time (the dry heat dries them out very quickly)…

The good news is there’s this thing called ‘battery reconditioning’… And I know what you’re thinking…. Does battery reconditioning really work? Can you bring batteries back to life?

Well, I’ll get to that in a bit because we’re going to be discussing (in detail) an online course that claims to teach you how to recondition batteries and it’s called EZ Battery Reconditioning

Now if you’re in a hurry, here’s my super quick review:

The EZ Battery Reconditioning Course fulfills its promise of teaching you how to identify batteries that can be reconditioned and then how to restore them. The information is clear and easy to follow, and you’re taught how to restore batteries of many different types (car batteries, laptop batteries, phone batteries, etc.). I think it’s a great system for learning how to recondition a battery, which will end up saving you money. 

👉 Click Here To Get EZ Battery Reconditioning At A Discounted Price

If you’re looking for more information than that then keep reading because in this review, we’re going to cover the following information: 

  • EZ Battery Reconditioning – A Brief Summary
  • How Is The EZ Battery Reconditioning Course Set Up?
  • Who Is The Course For?
  • Who Is It NOT for?
  • Are There Any Cons Or Scams To Look Out For?
  • Pros And Cons Of The Course

In the end, I’ll give you my final thoughts about the EZ Battery Reconditioning course and you should have a clear idea whether or not it’s something that will work for you…

Let’s get into it!

EZ Battery Reconditioning – A Brief Summary

If you’ve never heard of EZ Battery Reconditioning before, it’s an online course that claims to teach you how to reuse or salvage old batteries of many different types including…

  • Car batteries
  • Computer and phone batteries
  • Rechargeable batteries
  • Long life batteries
  • Golf cart batteries
  • Forklift batteries 
  • Batteries used in alternative energy systems
  • And many other types of common batteries

The average person will spend about $15,000 on batteries in their lifetime… And the point of the EZ Battery Reconditioning Course is to help you get that cost down.

It was created by a man named Tom Ericson, and to be honest, when I first heard about it I was thinking to myself…what is this EZ Battery Reconditioning scam thing?… 

But I gave it a shot, and I’m glad I did because within the course you learn reconditioning techniques that are very unique (techniques that most people don’t even know exist).

does battery reconditioning really work

To start off with, Tom gives you really valuable tips (even if you’re an amateur) that help you determine if an old dead battery can even be reconditioned or not…

The course also teaches you where you can source old batteries very inexpensively, which you can then restore for your own use, and it will end up saving you a lot of money…

And if you’re into alternative sources of energy, the techniques taught will help you reduce waste and in the long run, will end up being better for the environment.

Now, the course begins with a list of all the materials you’ll need to start restoring your old batteries…

It then moves on to describe the different types of batteries you’ll find in the current market, and how to tell if it’s a battery that can be reconditioned to start working again or not.

All in all, I thought the information was easy to follow, and I actually had a lot of fun going through it.   

How Is The EZ Battery Reconditioning System Set Up?

The EZ Battery Reconditioning System is set up as a course that you login to (and you have lifetime access)… 

The course guides you to the information specific to the type of battery you’re looking to restore (car battery, laptop battery, rechargeable battery, etc.)…

From there, you’ll be taught in detail (step by step) exactly what you need to do to determine if the battery can be reconditioned and then how to restore it to working properly again.

There are 21 chapters of information within the system, and you’re taught everything you’ll ever need to know about batteries such as the typical lifespan of each type of battery…

…and how they differ in terms of their structure and how they’re built. 

In addition to that, the course includes several illustrations and pictures which clear up any confusion you might have while going through the steps…

….and they just make it really easy to grasp the concepts that are being taught. 

Another thing I really liked about the course is that it goes further than just teaching you how to recondition old batteries…

It actually teaches you how to start your own battery reconditioning business if that’s something you’re interested in… 

ez battery reconditioning

It shows you how to find dead batteries inexpensively and then once they’re reconditioned you can sell them for a profit of about 3 times the amount you paid for them…

I really thought this was kind of cool because even if you don’t want to get an actual battery reconditioning business going, you can still use this information to earn a few extra bucks here and there. 

Who Is The EZ Battery Reconditioning Course For?

If you’re thinking about the EZ Battery Reconditioning course but aren’t really sure if it’s something for you…

…let me go through a few basic questions that might help you understand who can benefit from it.

Do you want to save money? 

If the answer is yes, then this course is perfect for you. Anyone can go and buy a new battery, but as I mentioned before, the cost of constantly buying batteries can really add up over the years…

Just think about your car batteries, I usually pay around 200 to 300 bucks every time I replace them and that’s for my car AND my wife’s car.  

This course teaches you how to save money by reusing your dead batteries, and like I said earlier, it covers much more than just car batteries.

In addition to that, the course is actually pretty affordable. It will cost you less than $50 and you’ll be able to save money for years because of the information you learn.

Do you want to be more self-reliant?

I know I fall into this category… I mean just think about when natural disasters occur and people are on their own for a few days or even weeks sometimes…

There might not be a store nearby where you can run in and pick out a specific type of battery, and having this knowledge is a great way of being prepared if you ever run into a situation like that.  

Are you environmentally conscious?

Look, people usually throw away an average of 8 battery each year… That means the batteries are going to the dump, and the chemicals and lead are leaking out…

Since so many things run on batteries right now (let’s face it, you’re going to need to keep your car running and your laptop and phone working)…

…the easiest way of preventing that is to recycle the batteries you already use… And again, that’s exactly what you learn how to do in the course.  

Do you enjoy learning and being handy?

I love learning new skills… To me, it’s just fun to go through the process and improve myself. And I especially like learning skills that not a lot of people know how to do.

To me, it’s just kind of cool to know how to restore old batteries. In addition to that, I like being the handyman around my house. 

If there is something I can fix, I much prefer doing it myself over hiring someone to come in and take care of it. 

So for me, it’s awesome that I can restore an old car battery without having to go in, buy a new one, and wait around for a mechanic to put it in my car.   

Do you want to earn more money? 

If you want to earn a little bit of extra money, or even start your own business, this course has an entire section devoted to teaching you how to do exactly that. 

Like I said, you are taught how to find batteries that you can recondition, how to restore them, and with a little bit of work on your part, they can be sold for a profit.  

Who Is The EZ Battery Reconditioning System NOT for?

Now that we’ve gone through who the EZ Battery Reconditioning course is for, let’s go through a few questions that will help show who will (probably) not benefit from the course…

Are you a responsible worker?

Obviously, if you’re working with batteries there are some materials such as lead and acid that are hazardous. 

You’ll want to make sure you wear protective equipment when doing the work, and you’ll also need a space with plenty of ventilation. 

If you can follow basic safety instructions, this really isn’t a problem… but if you can’t, I’d say maybe you should just buy new batteries.

Do you have some free time?

You’re taught everything you need to know in the course, but in the end you will have to put in some work if you want to restore old batteries. 

You can definitely do this in your spare time, on the weekend, etc… But if you are a really busy person who doesn’t seem to have any free time…

You might end up buying the battery recondition course and never putting the information you learn into practice. 

If you’re never going to find time to actually use the information, I don’t think you should spend your hard-earned money on it. 

What About Easy Battery Reconditioning Cons Or Scams? 

Without question, if you’re searching around on the internet you’re going to find people who say that the EZ Battery Reconditioning system is a con or a scam…

They’ll say the product is terrible or it was a waste of money or they had a terrible experience.

There are people that genuinely have bad experiences, but there are also people who use these types of reviews to get attention and sell competing products…

Here’s why I think the EZ Battery Reconditioning Course is a safe play… It teaches you a real skill that you can use to save money or even earn extra income.

ez battery reconditioning customer review

In addition to that, it’s a product sold through Clickbank which means you can get a full refund within 60 days of your purchase if you’re not happy with it (60-Day Money-Back Guarantee). 

To me, the fact that I could get a refund from Clickbank made me feel comfortable moving forward and trying out the course. 

Look Out For The ‘Free Download’ Offers…

If you see any website offering the EZ Battery Reconditioning Course as a ‘free download’, then just be aware that the real course is definitely not free.

These sights usually have ‘spun’ articles that are very poorly written and sometimes don’t even make any sense. 

I’m not sure what you’ll find if you opt-in for these free downloads, but I doubt the information (if you get any) will be anything near the real course… just my two cents.     

Pros And Cons Of EZ Battery Reconditioning…


  • The course is detailed and easy to follow
  • It’s affordable
  • Teaches you exactly what it promises (everything you’ll ever need to know about batteries and reconditioning them)
  • The illustrations and pictures clarify all the concepts
  • Helps you save money
  • Helps you be self-reliant 
  • Environmentally friendly
  • Helps you earn side income (if you choose)
  • 60-Day Money-Back Guarantee


  • The course is easy to follow, but there is no video content.
  • If you have no free time, you probably won’t be able to benefit from it.

EZ Battery Reconditioning Review – Final Thoughts…

In the end, I think EZ Battery Reconditioning is a really cool course because…

  • It teaches what it promises
  • The skills you learn will save you money
  • You’ll be able to leverage those skills to earn money if you need some extra cash
is ez battery reconditioning a con

All in all, I’m very happy with the course and I highly recommend it if you’re interested in bringing your old dead batteries back to life.  


[Review] The Trijicon ACOG 3.5×35 – Best ACOG Of All Time?

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trijicon acog 3.5x35 review

Trijicon is really becoming one of my favorite companies when it comes to optics…

I’ve already reviewed a few of their red dot sights, and they’re just built to such a high standard that it’s hard not to like them…

Today is gonna be no different as we take a closer look at the Trijicon ACOG 3.5×35

Now if you’re in a hurry, here’s a quick summary of my review:

The Trijicon ACOG 3.5×35 is INSANELY durable, combat-proven, the glass is very clear, the horseshoe is fantastic, the illumination is battery-free, and it comes with a high-quality mount. It’s an awesome fixed 3.5x scope.   

If you’re looking for more information than that then keep reading because in this (in-depth) review we’re going to go over the following information:

  • Durability And Toughness
  • Magnification And Illumination
  • Reticle And Lens Clarity
  • Size Of The Scope
  • Scope Accessories
  • Pros And Cons

In the end, I’ll give my final thoughts about the ACOG and you should have all the information you need to determine whether or not it’s an optic that will work for you…

Let’s get started! 

Durability And Toughness…

The Trijicon ACOG 3.5×35 is an insanely durable optic. To start off with, ACOG stands for Advanced Combat Optical Gunsight. 

It was specifically designed for hard use in combat, and it has been used in the US Military for a long time (its track record is fantastic!). 

how to use a trijicon acog scope

Now the housing material of the ACOG is made from high-quality forged aircraft-grade aluminum. 

In addition to that, the lens has multiple coatings that add to its toughness. It’s also waterproof and shockproof… 

So it can handle rainy and wet conditions and a few bumps here and there without any problems. 

And to top it all off, this scope has that classic Trijicon finish which is known for being extremely rugged. 

To sum it all up, this is a combat-proven optic and many consider it (the 3.5×35 ACOG specifically) to be the best ACOG of all time. 

Magnification And Illumination…

The Trijicon ACOG 3.5×35 is a fixed 3.5x magnification scope. That means your sight picture through the optic will appear 3.5 times larger than it would to the naked eye at the same distance. 

This is a good choice for a fixed magnification level scope in my opinion…

trijicon acog 3.5 x35 dual illum green horseshoe

The reason why is because it’s low enough in power so that the scope can still be used very quickly at targets up close…

…but it also gives you that little bump in magnification which allows you to range out and acquire small targets in the distance (at least at medium ranges) without much trouble. 

In addition to that, this scope includes illumination without the use of a battery. You see, with a battery-powered illuminated optic you have the possibility that the battery will run out and you’ll lose your illumination. 

That can’t happen with the Trijicon ACOG 3.5×35 because it’s illuminated with fiber optics and Tritium (they call it dual illumination). 

The fiber optics gather light to illuminate your reticle in daylight brightness, and the Tritium will glow making the sight useful in low light conditions. 

Also, this optic will auto adjust the level of illumination based on the brightness conditions in which it is being used. 

So you won’t have to tinker around with any buttons or anything like that to get it to the right setting. 

All in all, I really like the fact that this is a non-battery powered illuminated scope… I think it’s unique in the optics market, and it’s pretty cool that you don’t have to worry about running out of batteries.

Reticle And Lens Clarity…

The lens clarity on the Trijicon ACOG is very good. To begin, Trijicon scopes are known for having extremely clear glass and the ACOG 3.5×35 is no different. 

trijicon acog 3.5x35 308

The sight picture is incredibly crisp and you can take aim without causing any straining or fatigue to your eyes. 

In addition to that, the 3.5×35 comes in 10 reticle options and in 3 color options (amber, green, and red) for each of those 10 reticles.

Personally, I’m a big fan of the red reticle because my eye just seems to pick it up very quickly, but there are many shooters who prefer green reticles. 

Now in terms of the 10 reticle options, I’ll give you my top two recommendations… To start off with, the TA11H reticle (or the horseshoe reticle) is an awesome choice in my opinion.

trijicon acog reticle

It includes a BDC (bullet drop compensator) which allows you to range out to a thousand yards very quickly, and it also has windage holds that I find to be very useful as well. 

Also, because it’s a dot with a large horseshoe around it your eye is able to pick up the reticle very quickly, and it’s a fast sighting system especially at close distances… 

Another really awesome reticle option is the TA110-C (or the chevron reticle). The chevron reticle includes a BDC (bullet drop compensator) out to 800 yards, and it’s also a very fast system. 

The major benefit of having the chevron reticle is the precision it affords you when aiming at something very small.

The tip of the chevron point covers up almost none of your target… So you can really aim exactly where you intend to. It’s a unique reticle option, and I think it’s really cool. 

how to use trijicon acog

There are many other interesting reticle choices available on this ACOG too… 

For example, the donut reticle, the crosshairs reticle, and the triangle reticle are all useful options with their own strengths and weaknesses…

…but like I mentioned before, the horseshoe reticle and the chevron reticle are my two favorite options.

Bindon Aiming Concept…

Now since we’re talking about the reticles, I want to mention something called the ‘Bindon Aiming Concept’. 

Glyn Bindon was the founder of Trijicon, and he designed many of his sights to be used in a unique way…

The idea is that you keep both eyes open and focus on your target while raising your optic to your eye. 

This concept allows you to acquire targets very quickly (it’s great for CQB or close quarters battle) but also to be very aware of your surroundings because both of your eyes are open. 

It’s an interesting aiming concept, and all Trijicon ACOGs are built to be effective when utilizing this aiming concept. 

Size Of The Scope…

The Trijicon ACOG 3.5×35 is fairly compact as far as scopes go… To begin, it has a 35mm objective lens which gathers plenty of light and gives you a great field of view. 

acog sight picture

At one hundred yards, your field of view is 28.9 feet, and remember that’s with 3.5 power magnification, so it’s pretty impressive. 

The eye relief is also pretty generous at 2.4 inches, and it gives you a little bit of leeway in terms of how far you mount the optic from your eye. 

In addition to that, this scope is 8 inches long and weighs 14 ounces. That’s fairly compact in terms of length compared to many other scopes out on the market…

…and the weight, while not being as light as a red dot sight, is again, pretty impressive for a magnified scope. 

Scope Accessories…

One of the coolest things about the Trijicon ACOG is that the mount comes included when you purchase the sight.

To me, it’s just kind of a pain to have to search around and buy a separate mount when I get a new optic, and sometimes they can get pretty pricey as well…

how to zero an acog

So the mount coming with this optic is a huge positive in my opinion. Now, just like the ACOG itself, the ACOG mount was designed for combat.  

It’s extremely durable and combat-proven, and it will attach to your rifle’s top rail without any problems. 

One issue that may come up is that the screws have a tendency of walking loose as you fire your rifle… This is what happened to me, and there’s an easy way to remedy it. 

All you have to do is add some blue loctite to the screws when you mount your ACOG. 

The blue loctite will hold everything secure, but you’ll still be able to back out your screws easily if you ever need to remove your mount and optic. 

Pros And Cons…


  • Super Durable Optic (Combat Proven!)
  • Very Clear Glass
  • Battery-Free Illumination
  • Awesome Reticle Choices
  • Compact Size
  • Mount Included


  • It’s a premium optic with a premium price tag… If you’re looking for a super tough optic with a more appealing price tag check out this sight

Trijicon ACOG 3.5×35 Review – Final Thoughts…

In the end, I think the Trijicon ACOG 3.5×35 is one of the coolest optics out on the market…

  • It’s combat-proven
  • It has battery-free illumination
  • The horseshoe and chevron reticles are awesome!
acog review

I think it lives up to its premium price tag, and I highly recommend it as one of the most rugged AR-15 optics on the planet. 


Vortex Razor 1-6 Review – Best 1-6 Scope For An AR 15?

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vortex razor 1-6 hd gen ii review

By now, it’s no secret that I’m a fan of Vortex scopes…

No matter who you are, they just seem to have an option that’s packed with value and at the perfect price point for you…

The Strike Eagle? Awesome scope if you’re on a budget…

The Viper? Super high value if you’re in the mid-range on price…

And now it’s time to look at their premium option, the Vortex Razor 1-6 Scope…

Now if you’re in a hurry, here’s my quick and dirty review:

The Vortex Razor 1-6 scope gives you INSANELY clear glass, INSANELY bright illumination, and one of the coolest reticles available (the JM-1 BDC designed by legendary shooter Jerry Miculek!). It’s an amazing scope, and I personally think it’s the best 1-6 scope on the market.

If you’re looking for more information than that then keep reading because in this review, we’re going to cover the following information about this scope:

  • Lens Clarity And Reticle
  • Magnification And Illumination
  • Durability And Toughness
  • Size Of The Scope
  • Scope Accessories
  • Pros And Cons

In the end, I’ll give you my final thoughts about this scope and you should have enough information to decide whether or not it’s the right scope for you…

Let’s jump into the review!

Lens Clarity And Reticle…

The lens clarity on the Vortex Razor is insanely good… In fact, it’s probably the clearest glass I’ve used on a scope. 

No matter which magnification power you have it set to, it seems like you’re looking at a high definition image. 

vortex razor hd gen ii-e review

Vortex puts several special coatings on the lenses of these scopes… And it doesn’t matter if you’re in low light conditions or if it’s a bright sunny day outside, the sight picture is very clear.

In addition to that, the lens clarity is edge to edge… You don’t have any blurring around the edges of your sight picture the way you do with many other scopes out on the market right now, and everything you see is incredibly crisp.

3 Awesome Reticle Options…

The Vortex Razor 1-6 comes in 3 reticle options… 

The first option is called the JM-1 BDC. This reticle is really cool because it was actually designed by Jerry Miculek and it’s built to be simple and fast. 

If you’ve never heard of Jerry Miculek, he’s a legendary competition shooter, and he’s a guy I like to listen to when I’m trying to make improvements to my own shooting. 

vortex razor hd gen ii 1-6x24 vmr-2

Anyway, the JM-1 BDC is what he uses on his competition AR-15s, and I personally think it’s an awesome reticle. 

The center of the reticle is a red dot which can be used (when the scope is on 1 power) in a similar way to a red dot sight

In addition to that, it has a built-in bullet drop compensator (or BDC) which allows you to range out to 600 yards very quickly. 

The next 2 reticle options are the VMR-2 (MOA) and the VMR-2 (MRAD)… 

Obviously, these reticles are almost the same with the only difference being that one has the features built-in MOA (minute of angle) and the other has the features built-in MRAD (milliradians). 

Personally, I prefer using MOA because it’s just what I’m used to with scopes like this, but there are many shooters who prefer the MRAD system. 

That all being said, the VMR-2 reticle is great for making windage corrections, range estimations, and estimating holdovers. 

Of the 3 options, I recommend going with the JM-1 BDC reticle because I think it’s functional and fast, and I think it’s cool that Jerry Miculek helped design it. 

Magnification And Illumination…

As you probably picked up on, the magnification range on this scope is 1 power to 6 power… I think that’s a great range of magnification for an optic because it gives you a lot of versatility. 

You can use it on 1 power for quick shots on targets up close, but also zoom up to 6 power when you need to zero in on small targets in the distance. 

vortex razor hd gen ii-e 1-6x24 review

In addition to that, this scope uses one CR2032 battery to illuminate the reticle, and I’m happy to report… the illumination gets super bright!

In fact, it’s the brightest I’ve seen on any scope, and honestly, it gets as bright as the reticle on a red dot sight does. 

So in my opinion, you can run this scope (when it’s on 1 power) just as fast as you can run a red dot sight because your eye is able to quickly pick up the red dot in the center of the reticle. 

Last, this scope gives you the ability to lock the illumination setting on whichever brightness you prefer, which is a cool little feature that I haven’t seen on many other scopes. 

Durability And Toughness…

The Vortex Razor 1-6 is a very durable scope. The tube is made from a single block of high-quality aircraft-grade aluminum. 

In addition to that, it has a hard-anodized finish that protects the scope from corrosion and also dulls out any glare that might reflect off of the optic. 

vortex razor hd gen ii 1-6x24 review

That might come in pretty handy if you intend to use this scope as a tactical optic on a go-to rifle or as an optic to hunt with, and it’s something that I like. 

The lens on the Razor is protected by what Vortex calls Armortek coatings. These coatings make the glass super tough and help protect against scratches. 

I also really like the windage and elevation turrets on this scope. To start off with they’re capped, and they sit relatively low. 

They also lock in place which means you have a good chance of holding zero even if they get bumped or knocked around a little bit. 

Last, the razor is waterproof, fogproof, and shockproof. So it can be used in rainy, snowy, or wet conditions without any problems at all, and as I mentioned before, it can handle a few bumps here and there. 

All in all, I’m very pleased with the quality and construction of this scope, and if you have any problems Vortex has an amazing lifetime warranty on their products. 

Size Of The Scope…

The Vortex Razor is an average-sized low power variable scope. The objective lens is 24mm which helps give you an extremely good field of view. 

When the scope is on 1 power, your field of view is about 115 feet (115.2 feet) at a hundred yards, and when the scope is on 6 power, your field of view is about 20 feet (20.5 feet) at a hundred yards. 

vortex razor hd gen ii e 1 6x24mm

In addition to that, the razor has a 30mm tube, which is what I prefer for a scope like this, and the eye relief is very generous.  

It’s set at 4 inches which is actually a ton of eye relief, and that allows you a lot of leeway when you’re trying to mount this scope in the perfect position on your rifle. 

The scope also has a very forgiving eye box which is great because it means you can use this scope to shoot from awkward shooting positions such as shooting under a barricade or shooting around a car. 

The length of the scope is 10.1 inches which is average for a 1-6 low power variable optic, and the weight is 25.2 ounces. 

To be honest, that’s a little bit chunky but considering the glass quality and ruggedness of this scope, I give it a pass for being slightly heavier than some other options. 

Scope Accessories…

Included with the vortex razor, you get one CR2032 battery… so you’ll be able to run the illumination on your scope immediately. 

You also get a lens cloth which you can use to safely wipe down the lenses on your scope. That said, you will need to pick up a mount to be able to use the scope on your rifle. 

I recommend using the Aero Precision Ultralight Mount which is my personal favorite mount right now. 

best mount for vortex viper pst 1 6

As the name implies, it’s a very lightweight scope mount which is good because this optic is a little heavier than some others…

…but it’s also a pretty tough mount that will hold up and keep your scope very secure. 

Another accessory you might want to add to this scope is a throw lever. A throw lever allows you to switch from 1 to 6 power (and back) very quickly because it gives you more leverage when adjusting the magnification power ring on your scope. 

If you decide to add a throw lever I recommend SV-3  Switch View Throw Lever from Vortex because it will fit this scope perfectly. 

Pros And Cons…


  • Insanely clear glass
  • Awesome reticle options
  • Super bright illumination 
  • Durable Construction
  • Lifetime Warranty


  • A little bit heavy (but not too bad)
  • Its a premium optic with a premium price tag (if you’re looking for a great optic with a lower price tag check out the Vortex Viper)

Vortex Razor 1-6 Review – Final Thoughts…

In conclusion, I think the Vortex Razor 1-6×24 is an amazing low powered variable optic…

  • The lens clarity is pretty much unmatched
  • The reticles are awesome (you can get the one used by Jerry Miculek!)
  • And the illumination is so bright it can be used like a red dot sight
vortex razor hd gen ii e 1 6x24 jm-1

To me, it’s pretty easy to see why so many people are singing the praises of this optic… So if you’re looking for a premium 1-6 rifle scope, I don’t think you can beat it.


Vortex Strike Eagle 1-8 Review – Best Budget 1-8 Scope On The Market?

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vortex strike eagle 1-8 review

A scope that ranges from 1 to 8 power used to be really difficult to find…

Sure, there were a few low power variable scopes around, but most of them were 1 to 4 power (or maybe 1-6), and they were really expensive…

They were pretty much all in the thousand dollar price range, and that left them kind of inaccessible to the average gun owner.

I’ve got a lot of guns, and putting a thousand dollar scope on all of them just isn’t an option for me…

However times are changing, and that’s why I’m so excited to bring you this review of the Vortex Strike Eagle 1-8

Now if you’re in a hurry, here’s a quick summary of my review:

The Vortex Strike Eagle has great lens clarity, an AWESOME reticle, and because of its magnification range, it can be run similar to a red dot sight. It also comes in at a budget price point and is a fantastic low power variable scope. 

If you’re looking for more information than that then keep reading because in this review, we’re going to cover (in-depth) the following information:

  • Durability And Toughness
  • Lens Clarity And Reticle
  • Magnification And Illumination
  • Size Of The Scope
  • Scope Accessories

In the end, I’ll give my final thoughts about this scope and you should be able to determine whether or not it’s a scope that can work for you…

Let’s jump into the review!

Durability And Toughness…

The Vortex Strike Eagle 1-8 is a pretty durable scope. To start off with, the tube is made from high-quality aircraft-grade aluminum, and it has a hard-anodized finish. 

The hard-anodized finish protects the scope from corrosion, and it gives it a matte black color…

vortex strike eagle 1-8x24 review

I personally like that it gives the scope a matte black color because I don’t want my optic reflecting sunlight and potentially giving away my position (even though this is a budget scope I view it as a legitimate optic for a go-to rifle). 

In addition to that, the windage and elevation knobs are capped and they sit relatively low…

I don’t really like tall windage and elevation knobs on scopes because they’re easier to snap off if they get bumped or knocked around a little bit. 

The Strike Eagle doesn’t have that problem because like I mentioned before the adjustment knobs sit low. 

The Strike Eagle is also waterproof and fog proof… So it can handle rainy, snowy, or wet conditions without any issues at all. 

And on top of that, it’s shockproof too… so it should be able to handle a few bumps here and there. 

To sum it all up, I’m very happy with the quality level on the Strike Eagle especially considering that it comes in at a competitive price point. 

Lens Clarity And Reticle…

The lens clarity on the Vortex Strike Eagle is pretty good. It is a budget low power variable scope so the lens clarity is not going to be as good as the Vortex Viper or the Vortex Razor

vortex strike eagle 1-8x24 reticle

…but considering the price point, I think the lens clarity is very good. In addition to that, Vortex puts multiple coatings on the lenses of these scopes which leads to better light transmission.

In my experience, those coatings help you get a clear sight picture in low light conditions and when you have really bright conditions outside like on a sunny summer day. 

In addition to that, I’m a really big fan of the reticle on this optic.  It is an etched reticle, and Vortex calls it the AR-BDC2 reticle

As the name implies, it’s their second BDC reticle, and I have to say that, to me, it’s a huge improvement over their first BDC reticle.  

I like it because you have a precise one MOA dot in the center of the reticle… Around that, you have a big horseshoe…

…and then below that, you have hash marks for a bullet drop compensator (BDC), a range estimator, and for windage holds. 

vortex strike eagle 1-8 reticle

I really love the one MOA dot in the center because it means you can aim precisely at your targets when using the scope. 

At the same time, the big horseshoe surrounding the one MOA dot makes this a fast reticle that you can run similarly to a red dot sight (when the magnification is set to 1 power). 

In addition to that, I like having a BDC reticle on a tactical scope like this because you can quickly estimate the range of your target…

…and start making hits much faster than you would by dialing in your windage and elevation knobs. 

All in all, the lens clarity is very good considering the price, and the AR-BDC2 reticle is an awesome reticle that you would expect to get on a much more expensive scope. 

Magnification and Illumination…

As I mentioned before, the Vortex Strike Eagle is a low power variable scope. The range of magnification is 1 to 8 power, which is a great range to have on a tactical style scope

Many scopes range from 1 to 4 (or maybe 1 to 6), but usually, you have to pay a lot of money (we’re talking over $1,000) to get a 1 to 8…

primary arms 1-8 vs vortex strike eagle 1-8

So the Strike Eagle is a pretty unique option on the market because it’s a 1-8 scope that comes in at a budget price. 

Now, it is a second focal plane scope… so the BDC reticle will have to be used on the max power (8 power). 

In addition to that, this scope also has an illuminated reticle. The illumination is not as bright as the Vortex Viper or the Vortex Razor, which are both insanely bright, but it is bright enough to use during the daytime. 

It also illuminates the whole center of the reticle which makes the scope similar (at least on one power) to a red dot sight.  

I’ve found that you can run it relatively quickly, and it works well in that sort of “red dot” role. 

All in all, the magnification range is fantastic (I love that it’s a 1-8!) and the illumination is pretty good for the price point. 

Size Of The Scope…

The Vortex Strike Eagle is fairly compact for a low power variable scope. First, it has a 24 mm objective lens, which gives you a pretty good field of view. 

When the scope is on one power, your field of view is about 116 feet (116.6 ft.) at 100 yards, and when the scope is on 8 power, your field of view is about 14 feet (14.4 ft.) at 100 yards. 

vortex 1-8 scope

The eye relief is also pretty good on this scope. At 3.5 inches it’s fairly generous and gives you a little bit of leeway in terms of how far you mount it away from your eye. 

The eye box is also fairly generous, especially on the low power settings, and you can use the scope from awkward shooting positions such as shooting around a car or under a barricade. 

In addition to that, the scope is 10 inches long which makes it fairly compact, and it only weighs 16.5 ounces!

I’m really impressed with the low weight because for this type of scope 16.5 ounces is very impressive. 

I like it because I’m always trying to keep the weight down on my rifles, and an optic (especially a scope) can make your whole weapon system very heavy very fast. 

That won’t be a problem with the Strike Eagle because, as I said, it comes in at a very competitive low weight. 

Scope Accessories…

When you purchase the Strike Eagle, you do get a few accessories included. First of all, you get a CR2032 battery, so you’ll be able to run the illumination on your scope right from the start.

acss reticle scopes

You also get a lens cloth, which will allow you to safely wipe down your lenses. In addition to that, you get removable lens covers that you can place over your front and rear lens. 

I’ve found that the included lens covers fit pretty nicely, and they give you a little bit of added protection for your scope. 

Now, you will need to purchase a mount to be able to use your Strike Eagle. In fact, there is an option to include a mount from the factory when you purchase this scope. 

The factory mount is good quality, but adding it into the mix will increase the amount you have to pay. 

Personally, I recommend buying the scope without the factory mount (so that you get it a little bit cheaper) and then mounting it with the Aero Precision Ultralight Mount

best mount for vortex viper pst 1 6

Right now, the Aero Precision Ultralight Mount is my favorite mount for a scope like this because it’s super lightweight, it’s secure, and it costs about the same amount of money as the factory mount (if not a little bit less). 

So like I said, I recommend just getting the Vortex Strike Eagle 1-8 scope (without the factory mount) and then buying an Aero Precision Ultralight Mount to go with it. 

Vortex Strike Eagle 1-8 Review – Final Thoughts…

In the end, I think the Vortex Strike Eagle 1-8 is an awesome addition to the low power variable scope market…

  • It’s got great lens clarity
  • It has an AMAZING reticle!
  • And It has a great range of magnification (1 to 8 Power!)
best 1 8 scope for ar10

Add to that the reasonable price tag that it carries and I think it’s one of the best budget 1-8 scopes on the market!


Vortex Viper PST Gen 2 1-6 Review – An AWESOME Scope With Insanely Clear Glass…

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vortex viper pst 1-6 review

Have you ever looked through a scope that had cheap glass?

They’re ok at shorter distances, but they really leave a lot to be desired when you’re trying to aim at something 100 yards away or more…

They just seem to blur out, and you can’t really see any clear detail in what you’re aiming at…

That’s why I’m really excited about the Vortex Viper PST Gen 2 1-6 Scope

It’s more of a mid-range scope in terms of price, but it gives you the performance of a scope that costs well over a thousand dollars…

Now, if you’re in a hurry, here’s my super quick review:

The Vortex Viper 1-6 gives you INSANELY clear glass, a cool (multi-purpose) reticle, and super bright illumination that allows it to be used like a red dot sight. It’s an awesome low power variable scope. 

If you’re looking for more information than then keep reading because in this review we’re going cover the following information:

  • Lens Clarity And Reticle
  • Magnification And Illumination
  • Durability And Toughness
  • Size Of The Scope
  • Scope Accessories

In the end, I’ll give you my final thoughts about this scope, and you should have a clear idea of whether or not this is a scope that can work for you. 

Let’s jump into the review!

Lens Clarity And Reticle…

The Vortex Viper has amazing lens clarity (rivaling the Delta Stryker 1-6x). It’s some of the clearest glass I’ve used on a low power variable scope and that includes some of its competitors at higher price points. 

vortex viper pst gen 2 1-6 review

It’s insanely clear and gives you a clean and crisp sight picture even when you’re using the higher magnification powers (some scopes will blur out when they’re set on their high power levels).

Vortex puts multiple coatings on the lenses of the Viper, and those coatings allow for better light transmission and help give you a very clear sight picture in low light conditions and when it’s extremely bright outside. 

The eye relief is 3.8 inches… so you’ve got some leeway in terms of how far you mount the scope from your eye, and the eye box is incredibly generous.

The generous eye box means you can see clearly through the scope (without any blackening or shading out on the sides) from several different head positions… 

And I think that’s an important feature to have on a scope because it means you can shoot from awkward positions like under a car or from roll-over prone and still get a clean sight picture. 

I also really like the reticle on this scope. It’s etched and can be used for ranging, to figure out hold-overs, and to make windage corrections when you’re shooting. 

In addition to that, it’s a second focal plane scope.  So the ranging capabilities of the reticle will have to be used at the maximum power level (6 power), and I’ve found that it works very well.

vortex viper pst 1-6x24 ffp

Last, you can get this scope with an MRAD reticle or an MOA reticle. MRAD stands for milliradian and MOA stand for Minute Of Angle. 

Personally, I prefer the MOA reticle because that’s just what I’m used to using with rifle scopes.

To sum it all up, the lens clarity on this scope is fantastic, and the reticle is useful, to the point, and very usable. 

Magnification And Illumination…

As I mentioned before, this is a 1-6 powered scope. That means on 1 power you can look through this scope without any magnification (similar to a red dot sight)…

…and on 6 power, what you see through the scope will appear 6 times larger than it would from a naked eye at that distance. 

vortex viper pst review

Simply put, it’s a low power variable scope, which is a style of scope that has become incredibly popular. 

I love low power variable scopes like this because, on their 1 power setting, they can be used in a way similar to a red dot sight…

However, you still have magnification available to you if you need to reach out to 3… 4… or 500 yards (or more). 

It’s a very versatile optic, and I think that’s why so many people are drawn to it.  Now, the Vortex Viper 1-6 in particular, works really well in the red dot sight role…

The reason why is because it includes illumination in the scope reticle. The illumination is powered by one CR2032 battery and it appears as a small red dot right in the center of the cross-hairs. 

And the thing that really sets this scope apart from many of its competitors is that that small red dot gets extremely bright… pretty much as bright as the dot on a reflex sight. 

Most scopes that have illumination don’t really get all that bright unless you’re paying upwards of $1,000…

…but the Viper doesn’t cost anywhere near that, and as I said before, the illumination gets super bright. 

It makes this scope a fast optic to use because your eye is able to pick up the bright red dot very quickly. 

Durability And Toughness…

The Vortex Viper 1-6 is a pretty durable scope. To start off with, the tube is made from high-quality aircraft-grade aluminum and it has a hard-anodized finish.  

The hard anodized finish protects it from corrosion and because it’s a matte black color, the body of the scope won’t reflect light and can really blend into its surroundings. 

vortex viper pst battery

I like that because it makes sense if you want to put this optic on a go-to rifle, which is the role I view for this optic. 

In addition to that, the windage and elevation knobs are capped and sit relatively low… 

I always prefer adjustment knobs that sit either flush or low because it makes them less likely to snap off if they get bumped or knocked around a bit. 

The adjustment clicks when you zero your scope are audible and tactile, and they really give you the feeling that this scope is built to a high standard. 

I also really liked that this scope is waterproof and fog proof. So you won’t have any problems using it in rainy, snowy, or wet conditions…

…and in addition to all that, Vortex puts a coating on the exterior scope lens that they call AmorTek. 

The AmorTek coating makes the lens super durable and helps prevent scratches. 

Like I said earlier, this scope is pretty tough, and if you’re a civilian, it will easily handle anything you put it through without any problems. 

Size Of The Scope…

The Vortex Viper 1-6 is an average-sized low power variable scope. It has a 24mm objective lens, which gives you a great field of view. 

On 1 power, you can see an area of about 112 (112.5) feet at a hundred yards, and on 6 power you can see an area of about 18 (18.8) ft at a hundred yards. 

vortex razor 1-6 review

I really like that large field of view because it breaks up the tunnel vision you sometimes get when looking through a scope and gives you greater awareness of what’s around your target.

The tube size is 30mm, which is what I always prefer on this style of scope, and it’s 10.9 inches long, which isn’t too bad in terms of length. 

Last, this scope weighs 22.7 ounces, which I admit is a little bit chunky, but considering the glass quality and the super bright illumination, I give it a pass for being slightly heavier than some other 1-6 scopes. 

Scope Accessories…

Included with the Vortex Viper you get one CR2032 battery and a lens cloth. That means you’re going to have to pick up a mount to be able to put it on your rifle.  

If you’re mounting it on an AR-15, I highly recommend you check out the Aero Precision Ultralight Mount

best mount for vortex viper pst 1 6

It’s my favorite scope mount at the moment because it’s super lightweight, it’s secure, and it mounts the scope a little bit further forward… so you can set the eye relief just right. 

In addition to that, you might want to add a throw lever into the mix. I don’t think adding a throw lever is necessary, but if you do have the money for one…

…it is something I like to add on a low power variable optic like this because it allows you to switch from 1 to 6 power (and back) extremely quickly. 

Vortex Viper PST Gen 2 1-6 Review – Final Thoughts…

In the end, I think the Vortex Viper PST (Gen 2) 1-6 Scope is an awesome addition to the low power variable scope market…

  • It has that insanely clear lens
  • It has a great (multi-purpose) reticle
  • And it has super bright illumination
vortex viper pst gen 2 1-6

Add on to that the reasonable price tag it carries, and I think it’s one of the best 1-6 power scopes you can get right now!


Holosun 510C Vs Eotech XPS2 [Which Red Dot Sight Wins?]

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holosun 510c vs eotech

We’re kind of spoiled… There are so many awesome red dot sights on the market right now…

And they come in different shapes, sizes, and styles…

One of the styles that has recently caught my attention is the open window reflex-style sight, and right now, two of the best optics that kind of fit into this category are:

Now honestly, the Eotech is a whole different type of red dot sight then what you usually find, and we’ll get into that in the comparison…

But here are the areas we’re going to be covering when we compare these two sights:

  • Durability And Toughness
  • Lens Clarity And Reticle
  • Size Comparison
  • Battery Life Comparison
  • Extra Items Included With The Sight
  • Price

In the end, I’ll give my final conclusions about these two awesome optics, and I’ll reveal which one I prefer out of the two…

Let’s get into the Holosun 510c Vs Eotech XPS2 comparison!

Durability And Toughness…

Holosun 510c

The Holosun 510c is extremely durable. To start off with, the sight housing is made of high-strength aluminum, and the lens is protected by a titanium hood.

The addition of the titanium hood is really cool because it keeps the weight down but also makes the sight very rugged. 

holosun he510c review

Next, the windage and elevation knobs are flush with the sight housing. I like that because it means they can never be bumped or accidentally knocked…

… which could lead to them snapping off as is the case with some other red dot sights. 

They can easily be adjusted with a screwdriver or the rim of a cartridge, and they move the reticle 0.5 MOA with every click. 

Last, the 510c is fully waterproof in up to 1 meter of water, which means it can handle rainy, snowy, and wet conditions without any issues.

Eotech XPS2 

The Eotech XPS2 is also an extremely durable sight. To begin, the sight housing is aluminum and the lens is protected by 2 aluminum hoods. 

Additionally, the windage and elevation knobs are recessed into the sight housing, and just like with the Holosun 510c, they can be adjusted with a screwdriver or the rim of a cartridge.  

holosun 510c ar15

Next, the XPS2 is waterproof up to 10 feet… So once again rainy, snowy, and wet conditions will not cause any problems for this sight.

Last, the XPS2 has undergone drop tests by the US Military, and it was able to pass those tests which means it met the military specifications for toughness. 

Durability And Toughness Conclusions…

Both the 510c and XPS2 are pretty durable red dot sights… 

  • Both sight housings are high-strength aluminum
  • Both have protective hoods over their lenses
  • And both have very durable adjustment knobs 

One of the major differences between the two is that the XPS2 is waterproof up to 10 feet whereas the 510c is only waterproof up to 1 foot. 

This probably won’t be a problem for a civilian because both can handle the rain without any problems, but it is something to take note of. 

In addition to that, the Eotech is a completely closed system whereas the Holosun is an open style reflex sight

It is possible for an open style reflex sight to get mud or debris caked into it, which would make the reticle disappear. 

This probably wouldn’t happen unless you accidentally dropped your rifle and optic in the mud, but again, it’s something to consider. 

Last, the Eotech was able to pass military specification drop tests, which the Holosun has never undergone.  

So to me, all this adds up to the Eotech XPS2 taking the lead in the durability and toughness category.

Winner: Eotech XPS2

Lens Clarity And Reticle…

Holosun 510c

The lens clarity and reticle on the Holosun 510c are very good. To start off with, the lens is extremely clear. 

You don’t get the blue or green tint that you sometimes find on other red dot sights, and it allows you to get a very clean sight picture. 

holosun hs510c lens cover

In addition to that, the reticle is extremely crisp and very well defined, which will come into play when we discuss the XPS2. 

Now one of the features included in the 510c is something called the Multiple Reticle System or M.R.S., and it basically means that you can switch between 3 different reticle options.

  • A 2 MOA dot
  • A 65 MOA ring
  • A 2 MOA dot with a 65 MOA ring around it (the Holosun Circle Dot Reticle)

Personally, I love the Holosun Circle Dot Reticle. It’s actually my favorite style of reticle on any red dot sight because it allows you to acquire large targets up close very quickly…

…but at the same time, it still gives you the precision of the 2 MOA dot for small targets off in the distance. 

That said, I know some people just want a simple 2 MOA dot, which is also a great option for a red dot sight…

And then there is the 65 MOA ring, which personally I don’t have a use for, but it’s there if you would like to use it. 

holosun 510c elite vs 510c

You can easily switch between these reticles by holding down the minus button for your brightness settings. 

In addition to the multiple reticles, the 510c gives you a huge viewing area. That’s one of the benefits of having the open style reflex sight design…  

…and it’s really easy to see your target and what’s surrounding it when you look through this optic.

Last, there is a version of the 510c which comes with a green dot reticle if you prefer that color, and it’s called the Holosun HE510c elite. 

Personally, I prefer red, but like I said, the option is there if green works better for your eyes. 

Eotech XPS2

The clarity on the XPS2 is also very good. You get an extremely clear lens and because it’s a holographic sight

…the front lens doesn’t have that red reflection that traditional reflex sights always have. 

That holographic technology within the Eotech is really cool, and it causes the reticle to appear grainy when you take aim through the optic. 

holosun 510c reticle

The grainy appearance of the reticle is how it is supposed to look when you’re using a holographic sight, and there are some people who prefer this style of sight picture.

Personally, I prefer a more clean and clear reticle, but I still think the holographic reticle is very usable.

In addition to that, the XPS2 also uses a circle dot reticle which again is my favorite style. 

It’s slightly different from the Holosun Circle Dot because it uses a 68 MOA ring surrounding a 1 MOA dot, but it works the same way. 

Again, it’s a great reticle because it can be used for very fast shooting at targets up close and still be very precise for use on targets in the distance. 

Lens Clarity And Reticle Conclusions

Both the 510c and the XPS2 have very clear lenses. They also both have a circle dot reticle, which to me is awesome. 

That said, the 510c allows you to switch between the circle dot reticle, the 2 MOA dot, and the 65 MOA ring, which means you can tailor the sight’s reticle to your preference. 

The reticle is also more clear on the 510c because it’s a reflex sight rather than a holographic sight…

And even though some people prefer the grainy reticle on a holographic sight, I personally prefer the crisp and clean reticle from a reflex sight.

So for me, the winner in the lens clarity and reticle category is the Holosun 510c.

Winner: Holosun 510c 

Size Comparison…

The 510c is 8.3 ounces in weight. It’s also 3.3 inches long and 1.41 inches tall. 

On the other hand, the XPS2 weighs 9 ounces, and it’s 3.8 inches long and 2.1 inches high. So clearly the Holosun 510c is more compact in terms of size and weight. 

Winner: Holosun 510c

Battery Life Comparison…

Holosun 510c

The Holosun 510c has fantastic battery life. It uses one CR2032 battery which can last for 50,000 hours of constant use. 

It also includes 10 daylight brightness settings that you can choose from and 2 night vision settings. 

holosun 510c elite review

I’ve found that the daylight brightness settings can get extremely bright if the lighting conditions require it (much brighter than some other red dot sights). 

In addition to that, Holosun includes something called the “Shake Awake” feature. Basically, this means that you don’t have to worry about turning your sight on or off. 

It will automatically go into sleep mode when it’s not being used, and when it senses motion, it will automatically turn on. 

This means that your sight is always ready to go if you need to use it in an emergency, and it saves your battery life (even though you already have 50,000 hours worth of it). 

Last, the 510c includes a solar panel which means the optic doesn’t even need to have a battery in it for it to work. 

I’ve found that the solar feature works great, and again, it saves the battery life on this optic even more. 

Eotech XPS2

The XPS2  uses a 123 lithium battery which gives you 600 hours of battery life. You can choose between 20 daylight brightness settings and there are no night vision settings on the XPS2 (check out the XPS3 if you need the night vision settings). 

best holographic sight for the money

Eotech does include an auto-shutdown feature which means if you forget to turn your sight off, it will automatically turn off after 4 or 8 hours of non-use. 

It will not automatically turn on when it senses motion like the 510c which means you’ll have to press one of the brightness buttons to get the sight ready to go. 

Last, the Eotech lets you know that its battery is running low because the reticle will flash for a few moments when you first turn the optic on. 

Battery Life Comparison Conclusions

The Holosun 510c gives you 50,000 hours of battery life. It also has the solar panel which means you can run the sight without a battery…

…and it has the shake awake feature which means it will turn on when it senses motion. 

I really like that feature because if you ever have to use your rifle to defend your home, you won’t have to be fiddling around with the buttons on your optic. 

Contrast all that with the Eotech which only has 600 hours of battery life and doesn’t have a shake weight feature. 

To me, it’s pretty clear that the Holosun 510c wins this category.

Winner: Holosun 510c

Extra Accessories Included With The Optic…

Holosun 510c

The HS510c comes with a few extra accessories. First of all, it comes with an extra battery tray and a small tool that can be used to remove the battery tray. 

Removal of the battery tray will be necessary when it comes time to finally replace the battery on this optic. 

holosun products

In addition to that, the 510c comes with a quick detach mount…

The included mount is high-quality and sets the sight up for an absolute co-witness with back up iron sights if you’re running it on an AR-15

Eotech XPS2

The Eotech XPS2 doesn’t really come with any extra accessories… However, built into the sight housing is a mount that allows you to attach it to any picatinny rail

holosun 510c mount

The attachment is very solid, and like I mentioned before, the Eotech was able to hold zero even after undergoing mil-spec drop tests. 

The built-in Eotech mount also sets the sight up for an absolute co-witness with back up iron sights on an AR 15

Extra Accessories Conclusions…

Both sights come with a high-quality mount that will allow you to have an absolute co-witness with back up iron sights (which is what I have always preferred over a lower ⅓ co-witness). 

Even though the 510c comes with an extra battery tray, I think this category is pretty much a draw.

Winner: Draw  

Price Comparison…

I can’t get into exact prices because the prices on sights like these change almost everyday…

That said, the Holosun 510c is typically about $150 to $200 dollars less expensive than the Eotech. So the clear winner in terms of price is the Holosun 510c.

Winner: Holosun 510c

Holosun 510c Vs Eotech XPS2 – Conclusions…

In the end, I’m a big fan of both of these sights… and as usual, the one you should go with depends on the features you value most. 

Both of them have a huge field of view, and both offer you high performance…

So which optic do I prefer? I prefer the Holosun 510c

holosun 510c review

I prefer the Holosun 510c for a few reasons… First of all, I like that the reticle is a lot more crisp on the 510c because it really helps you get a clean sight picture…

I also really love the super long battery life on the 510c, and that it has the “Shake Awake” feature and solar panel to help bump up your battery life even more…

And we can’t forget that it’s around 150 to 200 bucks less expensive than the XPS2, so it will also save you some money.

Now if you like the holographic technology, and want a tough-as-nails optic, then feel free to go with the Eotech XPS2 because it’s still an awesome sight…

eotech XPS2 vs holosun

All that being said, I don’t think you’ll go wrong no matter which sight you choose to go with because either way, you’re going to get a high performing, reliable, and tough optic…

So whichever you choose, I hope I was able to show you the major differences between these two incredible red dot sights!


Trijicon MRO Patrol Vs Aimpoint Pro [Which Is The Better Optic?]

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trijicon mro patrol vs aimpoint pro

Red dot sights come in many different shapes and sizes…

You have micro red dots, holographic sights, larger red dot sights, and many other different styles…

Every style has its pros and cons, but one of the tried and true options at this point is the larger red dot sight. 

And right now, I think two of the best larger red dot sights on the market are:

These two sights are natural competitors… They actually have a lot in common (including similar names), but they also have some key differences…

And in this article, we’re going to compare these two optics by covering the following information:

  • Toughness And Durability
  • Size Comparison
  • Battery Life Comparison
  • Reticle And Lens Clarity
  • Extra Accessories Included With Each Sight
  • Pricing Comparison

In the end, I’ll give my final thoughts about each optic, and I’ll reveal which of these two fantastic red dot sights I prefer

So enough talking, let’s get into the Trijicon MRO Patrol vs Aimpoint Pro comparison!

Toughness And Durability…

MRO Patrol…

Trijicon optics are known for their durability… 

For example, the US military has been using Trijicon ACOGs for a few years now, and their reputation for ruggedness and dependability has been well proven. 

trijicon mro vs aimpoint

The same kind of quality goes into the MRO Patrol. Its sight housing is made from forged 7075 aircraft-grade aluminum… 

It’s also hard anodized and has the trademark Trijicon finish that weirdly seems like a rubberish and metallic coating at the same time. 

In addition to that, the windage and elevation turrets are recessed into the sight housing…

They can never be knocked accidentally and snap off which is something that can happen with some other red dot sights. 

To adjust the elevation or windage you can use a screwdriver or the rim of a cartridge, and each click will move the reticle 0.5 MOA until you get it perfectly zeroed

Last, the MRO Patrol is waterproof up to 100 feet… So rainy, wet, or snowy conditions will never cause it to have any problems. 

Aimpoint Pro…

Like Trijicons optics, Aimpoints are known for their durability, and they’ve been used within the US military and in law enforcement. 

In fact, the Aimpoint Pro Patrol was designed to be used by law enforcement officers on their patrol rifles, shotguns, and pistol caliber carbines

The sight housing is a high-strength aluminum, and the windage and elevation turrets sit relatively low. 

aimpoint pro patrol rifle optic review

Like the MRO Patrol, they can be adjusted with a screwdriver or the rim of a cartridge, and they move the reticle 0.5 MOA each click (which I think is perfect for a red dot).  

The Aimpoint Pro is rated as being waterproof up 150 feet… So just like the MRO Patrol, it can handle any wet or rainy conditions without any problems. 

Toughness And Durability Conclusions…

Both the MRO Patrol and the Aimpoint Pro are extremely durable red dots…

Honestly, these are two of the toughest sights on the market in my opinion, but that being said, they do have some differences. 

I like that the MRO Patrol has windage and elevation turrets that are recessed into the sight housing. 

To me, they’re just more durable than the turrets on the Aimpoint Pro, which even though they sit relatively low, stick out a little bit. 

On the other hand, the Aimpoint Pro is waterproof up to 150 feet, which is 50 feet more than the MRO Patrol. 

This really won’t come into play unless you intend to go scuba diving with your optic, but I think it’s important to note that difference. 

Despite that, I’m going to give a very slight edge to the MRO Patrol in the durability category. 

Winner: MRO Patrol

Size Comparison…

The MRO Patrol weighs 5.1 ounces and is 4.1 inches long… The Aimpoint Pro is 7.8 ounces and 4.5 inches long.

trijicon mro patrol weight

Obviously, the MRO Patrol is quite a bit lighter than the Aimpoint Pro, which is an important factor for me because I’m always trying to keep the weight down on my guns…

It’s also just a little bit shorter and therefore, more compact… So in the end, the MRO Patrol is the clear winner in the size and weight category.

Winner: MRO Patrol

Battery Life Comparison…

MRO Patrol…

The MRO Patrol runs off of one CR2032 battery. It has 2 night vision brightness settings, 5 daylight settings, and one extra-bright setting. 

When you’re running it on setting 3, which is plenty bright for my needs (and I live in the Nevada desert) the battery will last for 5 years.

Aimpoint Pro…

The Aimpoint Pro runs off of one 2L76 3V lithium battery. It has 4 night vision brightness settings, 6 daylight settings, and one extra-bright setting. 

aimpoint pro battery

Its battery will last for 3 to 5 years depending on the setting you leave it on. 

Battery Life Conclusions…

I don’t think the battery type is a problem for either one of these sights because both battery types are easy to get and relatively small.  

I also think the battery life between these two is basically the same. Both of them can be left on for years and still be ready to go, which I think is an important feature on a red dot sight. 

The Aimpoint Pro does have more brightness settings available to you as the shooter, and because of that, I’m going to give it the slight edge in the battery life comparison.

Winner: Aimpoint Pro

Reticle And Lens Clarity…

MRO Patrol…

Trijicon puts multiple coatings on the lens of the MRO Patrol to ensure that it’s extremely strong. These coatings cause a sort of blue tint when you look through the sight.

Some people claim that the blue tint allows you to see through the sight with better contrast… 

Personally, I would prefer the glass to be more clear, but I don’t think the slight blue tint is a dealbreaker. 

In addition to that, the Trijicon MRO lens diameter is 25mm… 

So it’s big and allows you to have a huge field of view when you’re looking through the optic (one of the advantages of having a larger red dot).

trijicon mro lens diameter

And the reticle on the MRO Patrol is a simple 2 MOA red dot, which I think is a great reticle for a red dot sight.

At the time I’m writing this, there is no green dot option available for the MRO Patrol, which is not a problem for me because I prefer red. 

Aimpoint Pro…

The Aimpoint Pro Patrol also has multiple coatings that strengthen the lens, but the coatings that Aimpoint uses add clarity to your sight picture and make the lens crystal clear. 

Like I mentioned before, I prefer when a red dot sight has a clear lens as opposed to a lens that’s tinted blue or green. So I’m really happy with the lens clarity on the Aimpoint.

In addition to that, the objective lens on the Aimpoint Pro is 38 mm… which again, allows you to have a HUGE field of view when you’re acquiring a sight picture through the optic. 

The reticle is a 2 MOA red dot just like the MRO Patrol, and there is no green dot option available for the Aimpoint Pro at this time. 

Reticle And Lens Clarity Conclusions…

Both sights have the 2 MOA red dot reticle, which for me is perfect…

I’m a big fan of the 2 MOA dot reticle because your eye can pick up the dot quickly, but at the same time, it’s small enough to aim with precision at targets in the distance.

aimpoint pro review

That said, there are 2 major differences between the two sights in this category…

First, the Aimpoint Pro has a 38mm objective lens versus the 25mm objective lens on the MRO Patrol…

Both are large and give great field of view, but the Aimpoint is a little bit bigger… Second, you get the blue tint with the MRO Patrol lens versus the clear lens on AimPoint Pro. 

Like I mentioned before, I prefer a clear lens… So for me, the Aimpoint Pro takes the lead in this category.

Winner: Aimpoint Pro 

Extras Accessories Included With The Optic…

MRO Patrol…

The MRO Patrol comes with lens caps that flip open, and both the front and rear lens cap are blacked out (this will matter in the comparison). 

In addition to that, it comes with a kill flash which can be used to hide the reflection on the front lens of a red dot sight and for other uses as well. 

trijicon mro gen 2 review

Finally, you can opt to include either a lower 1/3 co-witness or an absolute co-witness quick detach mount when you buy the sight.

I prefer an absolute co-witness with backup iron sights on all my battery-powered optics, but there are some shooters who prefer the lower 1/3 co-witness. 

You can also buy this optic without a mount and the price will be slightly lower, but to be able to use it you will eventually need to get a mount. 

I recommend just getting the mount included because it is high quality, and like I mentioned before, its a quick detach mount. 

Aimpoint Pro…

The Aimpoint Pro Patrol comes with flip-open lens caps as well. However, the rear lens cap is clear which is an important little detail included by Aimpoint…

The reason why is because in an emergency you can take aim at a target with the lens caps down…

…and if you’re shooting with both eyes opened, your dot (the reticle) will still appear over the target. 

aimpoint pro mount

There are some very old-fashioned optics that work in this way, and I really think it’s cool that Aimpoint includes that concept in their lens caps. 

The Aimpoint Pro does not come with a kill flash like the MRO Patrol, but it does come with a threaded front lens area which allows you to add a kill flash if you’d like to.

Last, the mount included with the Aimpoint Pro is called the QRP2 mount. 

Unlike the MRO Patrol mount, it’s not an add-on item. It’s included in the whole package, and it’s actually a pretty high-quality mount…

It’s also quick detach and sets the sight up for an absolute co-witness with backup iron sights if you’re running it on an AR-15

Extra Accessories Conclusions…

This is a tough one because both sights come with some pretty cool goodies… I like that the MRO Patrol comes with a kill flash which sets it apart from the Aimpoint Pro. 

However, I really like the clear lens cap that comes with the Aimpoint, and I think the fact that the QRP2 mount is not an add-on item is a bonus. 

That said it’s not really a big deal to include the MRO Patrol mount when you buy it, and as I mentioned before, it is pretty high quality.  

So because both optics have unique accessories included that kind of offset each other, I’m going to call this one a draw.

Winner: Draw 

Pricing Comparison…

Both of these red dots are premium optics that come in at a fairly reasonable price…

trijicon mro shotgun

I can’t get into exact numbers in this review because prices are changing all the time when it comes to sights like these…

…but just know that the Aimpoint Pro is around $100 to $150 less expensive than the MRO Patrol.  So the clear winner in terms of price is the Aimpoint Pro Patrol.

Winner: Aimpoint Pro 

Trijicon MRO Patrol vs Aimpoint Pro – Conclusions…

In the end, I think both of these sights are awesome… and really the right one for you depends on what features are most important to you…

So which of these optics do I prefer? I prefer the Aimpoint Pro

aimpoint pro vs mro

I prefer the Aimpoint Pro because it’s an extremely durable optic that’s very unlikely to fail on you…

It also has a much clearer lens than the Trijicon MRO, which allows you to see better through the sight…

…and we can’t forget that it’s the less expensive option, so it will save you around 100 to 150 bucks or more.

Now if you want something that’s pretty compact, super durable, and comes with a kill flash… And you don’t mind a slight blue tint on the lens, go with the MRO Patrol because it’s still a great sight…

aimpoint or trijicon

You can’t really go wrong with either optic because they both offer you very high performance and extreme durability…

Either way you choose to go, I hope I was able to help you understand the major differences between these two great sights!