The CZ Scorpion is such a fun gun to shoot…
I remember when I first got mine, I couldn’t wait to take it into the Nevada desert to start popping some steel plates with it…
Part of what makes it such a fun gun to shoot is that it’s very easy to control…
It’s just a 9mm, and the big heavy blow-back bolt on the Scorpion weighs down the whole gun just enough to make it extremely soft-shooting…
But what if you could make your Scorpion run even faster?
Well, with the invention of the CZ Scorpion Binary Trigger, that’s actually not a very hard thing to do…
Now if you don’t know what a Binary trigger is, it’s basically a trigger that gives you the ability to fire off shots faster because in ‘Binary mode’ the gun will shoot when the trigger is pulled AND when the trigger is released…
And in this article, I’ll be giving you a few of the best binary triggers for the CZ Scorpion that are currently on the market…
On top of that, I’ll give you a non-binary trigger option as well and explain why you might want to consider it if your goal is to increase your shooting speed…
Let’s get started!
CZ Scorpion Binary Trigger – My Top Choices…
The CZ Scorpion binary trigger is made by Franklin Armory, and the trigger comes in two versions, the CZ-C1 (curved trigger) and the CZ-S1 (straight trigger). Both versions are 3 position triggers which include a Safe position, a Semi position (in which 1 round is fired when the trigger is pulled), and a Binary position (in which 1 round is fired when the trigger is pulled and 1 round is fired when the trigger is released)…
The following will give you more information about each of these binary trigger options, and I’ll also introduce you to a standard CZ Scorpion trigger that you might also consider if your goal is to shoot faster…
1. Franklin Armory BFSIII CZ-C1 Trigger

The Franklin Armory BFSIII CZ-C1 trigger is the most popular binary trigger option for the CZ Scorpion. The trigger itself looks like an unassuming, standard curved trigger, but that’s really where the similarities end…
It comes with an ambidextrous safety selector, which I think is cool, and that safety selector has 3 positions on it: the Safe position, the Semi position that allows you to fire like any other semi-automatic firearm, and the Binary position that allows you to fire 1 round when you pull the trigger and 1 round when you release the trigger…
This binary function can greatly increase the split time between the shots that you’ve fired. And it can be used to shoot faster in both tactical or defensive situations or in a competition setting as well. On top of all that, it’s pretty easy to install, and can really turn your Scorpion into an even more fun range toy.
Click The Button Below To Learn More About The Franklin Armory BFSIII CZ-C1 Trigger:
2. Franklin Armory BFSIII CZ-S1 Trigger

Another very exciting binary trigger that’s offered by Franklin Armory is the BFSIII CZ-S1. Just like with the BFSIII CZ-C1, this trigger comes with an ambidextrous safety selector, which makes it a great option regardless of whether you’re left or right-handed…
This trigger also has the same 3 positions that are found on the BFSIII CZ-C1, which means you can put your Scorpion on safe. You can select normal semi-automatic fire just like you could with a regular trigger in your Scorpion, and of course, you can choose the binary position if you want your Scorpion to fire when you pull the trigger and when you release the trigger…
Another cool feature that both the BFSIII CZ-C1 and CZ-S1 have is that if you pull the trigger while the selector is on binary mode, you can actually switch it to the safe position and a round will not fire when you release the trigger. This is a great feature because it gives you more control over when exactly your Scorpion will fire and when it won’t…
All that being said, the big difference between the CZ-C1 and the CZ-S1 is simply that you get a straight trigger rather than a curved one. Now I personally like straight triggers. I just think they’re a little easier to be accurate with and that they generally feel a little better on my finger. But really, the choice between curved and straight triggers just comes down to personal preference…
So if you like the look and feel of a curved trigger, then go with the BFSIII CZ-C1, but if you prefer the look and feel of a straight trigger, you might want to take a closer look at the BFSIII CZ-S1.
Click The Button Below To Learn More About The Franklin Armory BFSIII CZ-S1 Trigger:
3. Timney Triggers CZ Scorpion Drop In Trigger (Not Binary, But…)

The final trigger option that I wanted to share with you is the Timney Triggers CZ Scorpion Drop In Trigger. Now this is not a binary trigger, but let me explain how it can help you shoot faster…
First of all, Timney is famous for making some of the best triggers you can get for AR 15s, IWI Tavors, Glocks, and a number of other firearms as well. And guess what… their CZ Scorpion drop in trigger is super high-quality as well.
It’s contains a trigger shoe and hammer that are precision machined and that are heat-treated to 56 Rockwell C. It also has a black oxide finish and the hammer has an NP-3 plating which will add smoothness and lubricity to the unit and make it extremely rugged. All of this together means that you get a finely tuned (and durable) Scorpion trigger that comes in somewhere in the range of 2-3 pounds…
Now some people might say that that’s too lightweight of a trigger for them, but I disagree because I think that’s a fantastic trigger weight for a couple of reasons. First of all, everyone knows that a lighter weight trigger will generally make it easier for you to shoot accurately. This is because you don’t have to focus as hard on pulling a heavy trigger straight back to the rear without disturbing your sights at all…
But another great benefit of having a lightweight trigger is that you can shoot much faster than you could with a heavy trigger because again, your finger and hand muscles don’t have to do as much work. So if you are looking for a way to increase your split times or just your shooting speed in general with your Scorpion, the Timney drop in trigger will help you do that, and it’s a less expensive option than both binary triggers that are offered by Franklin Armory.
Click The Button Below To Learn More About The Timney Triggers CZ Scorpion Drop In Trigger: